Impact of rice minikit trials on the adoption behaviour of farmers

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Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
With a view to study the impact of Rice Minikit Trials on adoption behavior of farmers the present investigation was undertaken under the title “Impact of Rice Minikt Trials on the Adoption Behaviour of Farmers”. Impact was measured in terms of the adoption of the selected recommended practices by the participant farmers and the non-participant farmers. The farmer’s perception about the innovation-characteristics of Minikit Variables of Rice, the procedures followed in conducting Rice Minikit Trials, and the constraints faced by the participant farmers and the extension personnel were also analysed. The study was conducted in Kollam district. The sample consisted of 60 each of randomly selected participant farmers and non-participant farmers and 30 Agricultural Officers. Data were collected using interview schedule and suitable statistical techniques were employed in the analysis of data. The study revealed that the participant farmer’s adoption of the recommended practices, though partial in some aspects, was significantly affected by the Rice Minikit Trials. The selected independent variables together contributed significantly in the variation adoption behavior of both the participants as well as the non-participant farmers. The analysis of the perception of the farmers about the innovation- characteristics revealed, profitability as the most striking innovation characteristic of the Minikit varieties of Rice. The evaluation of the procedures of conducting Rice minikit Trials showed that most of the procedural requirements were not being fulfilled satisfactorily. The results of the constraint analysis pointed out that timely supply of kids, literature on package of practices recommendations of the variety along with the kit and timely guidance and supervision were given the least attention. The results point out to the need for proper planning and improvement in every step in the conduct of the Trials to reach its cherished goals.