Incidence of Poverty and Inequality among Farmers in Gurdaspur district of Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The present study examined the incidence of poverty and income inequality among different farm size categories in Gurdaspur district. A sample of 80 farmers belonging to different farm size categories was selected using three stage simple random sampling technique. The data were collected personally for the agricultural year 2019-20. Average operational holdings were 1.61, 3.57, 6.53, 12.26 and 29.38 acres among marginal, small, semi-medium, medium and large farm size categories, respectively. Average annual family income of marginal, small, semi-medium, medium and large farmers was Rs. 2.02, 3.78, 5.08, 8.37 and 16.03 lakh, respectively. Share of crop income has direct relationship with farm size. The income from non-farm sources varied directly in absolute terms and inversely in percentage terms with farm size. Share of consumption expenditure on food items decreased with increase in farm size. On an average food and non-food expenditure formed 23.62 and 76.38 per cent of total expenditure. Among food-items expenditure on milk (9.7%) followed by cereals were the major item of expenditure and among non-food items the maximum expenditure was on education (15.08%) followed by social ceremonies (13.13%) and other important expenditure items were health care (10.63%). Average propensity to consume declined with increase in farm size. There were 18.19 percent marginal farmers below the poverty line. The Gini coefficient was estimated at 0.57. Strengthening of dairy sector, provision of off-farm employment opportunities, more effective public health and education institutions are suggested policy implications for improving the economic conditions of farmers.
Damanjit Kaur (2021). Incidence of Poverty and Inequality among Farmers in Gurdaspur district of Punjab (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.