Occupational health hazards in veterinarians- A review

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Veterinarians are the medical professional who protects the health and well-being of animals. Role of veterinarians are diagnose, control and treat the animal diseases with proper care and restraining. The close contact with the animals makes them susceptible to many harmful health hazards and great risk of being infected or injured. Physical, chemical and biological hazards are very common in veterinary profession. Veterinarians deal with small animals to wild animals and heath inspection to meat inspection. This kind of various activities makes them to expose different health hazards. Lack of knowledge about occupational health hazards and safety precautions in the working environment may enhance the risk of several occupational hazards in veterinarians. Hence, awareness about the occupational health hazards, nature and sources of various hazards, safety and preventive measures, health and safety guidance followed in the working environment should be strictly followed to avoid occupational health hazard in veterinary field and maintain a healthy profession.
TNV_PIJ_2021_SP 10(4)527-530
Veterinary Science