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A study entitled “Zinc nutrition on performance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid in Alfisols” was conducted during Kharif, 2014 at Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The soil of the experimental field was a sandy loam with pH 8.3, electrical conductivity 0.082 dS m-1, low in available organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous, medium in available potassium and sulphur, deficient in available zinc (0.48 mg kg-1 soil). Among all micronutrients zinc plays a vital role in plant nutrition. In order to know the effect of various levels and sources of Zn on the performance of sunflower hybrid, this study was conducted with sunflower hybrid DRSH-1 as a test crop. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three levels (10, 15 and 20 kg ha-1) and three sources of zinc (ZnSO4.7H2O, ZnSO4.H2O and Zn-EDTA) with ten treatments T1 (control), T2 [RDF+ ZnSO4.7H2O (21% Zn) @ 10 kg ha-1], T3 (RDF+ ZnSO4.7H2O @ 15 kg ha- 1),T4 (RDF+ZnSO4.7H2O @ 20 kg ha-1), T5 [RDF+ ZnSO4.H2O (33% Zn ) @ 10 kg ha-1], T6 (RDF+ ZnSO4.H2O @ 15 kg ha-1), T7 (RDF+ ZnSO4.H2O @ 20 kg ha-1), T8 [RDF+ Zn-EDTA (12% Zn) @ 10 kg ha-1], T9 (RDF+ Zn-EDTA @ 15 kg ha-1) and T10 (RDF+ Zn-EDTA @ 20 kg ha-1) each replicated thrice during kharif season. The RDF applied to sunflower was 90:60:30 (N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1). Zinc levels and sources were applied as per the treatments. The plant samples were collected at 60 DAS and 90 DAS. Similarly soil samples were also collected at 60 DAS and 90 DAS. Seed yield was recorded at harvest stage. The shoot and seed samples were analyzed for N, P, K, S and Zn. Seed samples were analysed for oil content, fatty acid composition and protein content. Nutrient uptake was computed in both plant and seed samples. Soil samples were analyzed for pH, EC, OC, available N, P, K, S and Zn at 60 DAS and 90 DAS. The mean sunflower yields viz., seed and stover at maturity were recorded as 1680, 3541 kg ha-1. The seed yield and stover yields at maturity increased by 49 and 72 per cent, respectively over control due to application of ZnSO4. H2O @ 20 kg ha-1 along with 100 per cent RDF. The combined application of Zinc + RDF at 20 kg ha-1 level with ZnSO4.H2O source produced significantly maximum (17.6 cm) head diameter at harvest but other yield attributing characters showed an increase over control which are non significant i.e., plant height from 143.8 to 170.3 cm and 151.9 cm to 185.5 cm in treatments received ZnSO4.H2O @ 0 kg ha-1 and 20 kg ZnSO4.H2O kg ha-1, respectively at 60 DAS and 90 DAS. The application of 20 kg ZnSO4.H2O ha-1 produced significantly maximum protein content oil yield and protein yield were recorded 20.2%, 737 kg ha-1 and 315 kg ha-1 but oil content (43.9 %) increased over control which was non significant. The highest uptake of N, K, S and Zn was recorded (65.4, 142, 12.5 kg ha-1 and 105 g ha-1 and 51.2, 70.4, 9.9 kg ha-1 and 120.7 g ha-1) in treatment T7 (RDF + ZnSO4. H2O @ 20 kg ha-1 at 90 DAS and 60 DAS, respectively. The response of sunflower due to applied treatments was attributed to poor fertility i.e., low nutrient (OC, N, Zn) status of soil. At 60 DAS and 90 DAS, the treatments that received zinc sources showed maximum available N, P2O5, K2O, S and Zn contents in soil. There was no significant variation in pH, EC, OC and available P, K content at after harvest of sunflower among different sources and levels of zinc but the variation was found significant in available N, S and Zn. The study indicated that the application of zinc sulphate monohydrate @ 20 kg ha-1 along with RDF gave maximum net income from sunflower crop and B:C ratio also highest in treatment T7. Based on the results of investigation it can be concluded that among zinc sources and levels, application of 20 kg ZnSO4.H2O is sufficient for obtaining optimum yields and good quality of sunflower when grown on light texured Alfisols. Zinc fertilizers should be at least 40-50% water soluble to supply adequate plant available Zn. ZnSO4.H2O is relatively more free flowing powder form and less solubility than ZnSO4.7H2O, Zn-EDTA.
zinc, yields, sowing, crops, planting, biological development, oils, inorganic acid salts, research methods, sulphur