Supplementation of Fenugreek Seeds to Lactating Ewes and Effect on Growth Performance of Preweaned Twin Lambs

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New Delhi Publishers
A study was conducted in lambs to find out the efficiency of fenugreek seed (FS) supplementation in twin bearing ewes. The dams were grouped as follows with seven dams in each group. The groups were dam’s that lambed twins supplemented with FS (T1), Dams that gave birth to single lambs supplemented with FS (T2) and dams gave birth to single lambs without FS (T3). The FS supplemented dam groups were given 10 g of fenugreek seed per day. The study suggest supplementation of FS @ 10 g each day to lactating ewes carrying twins support lamb weight gain better than single birth lamb and reduced the degree of mother weight loss. The significance difference at 0.05 %. Among single birth lambs, FS supplemented group was better both in terms of growth rate of lambs and reduction in the ewes weight.
TNV_JAR_2016_6(3) 543-545
Veterinary Science