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Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari
Twenty six germplasm lines were screened at the hot spot of Pulse Research Stat ion (PRS), Navsari for the finding resistant source of MYMV. Four germplasm lines viz., NAUMR1, NAUMR2, NAUMR3 and MEHA showed highly resistant react ion against YMD. NAUMR1, NAUMR2 and NAUMR3 were found late maturing, tall and produced few pods only. MEHA is MYMV resistant mungbean cult ivar developed and released from IIPR, Kanpur in 2004, however, is of small size. Out of 200 RAPD markers, only fourteen markers showed variable degree of polymorphism. Maximum 90% polymorphism was observed in OPG-5, OPJ-18 and OPM- 20 whereas minimum polymorphism (28.57 per cent) was in OPH-9. Overall polymorphism was found to be 70.17 per cent. Fourteen markers on five genotypes generated 126 bands out of which 90 were polymorphic band. OPG-5, OPJ-18 and OPM-20 were proved to be the best markers for the study of polymorphism as it produced 28, 35, 28 amplicons respect ively. In OPG-5 a band of size ~850bp was absent in suscept ible cult ivar GM4 while present in all the resistant lines. In the marker OPJ-18, total 6 unique band of ABSTRACT Abstract…. approximately 250bp, 300bp, 450bp, 500bp, 850bp and 1250bp size were present in all resistant lines while absent in suscept ible one. Simi larly in the marker OPM-20 3 exclusive band 350bp, 400bp and 600bp size appeared in all resistant lines whereas absent in suscept ible GM4. The dendrogram obtained with range of similarity coefficient 0.41 to 0.79 clearly indicated two dist inct main clusters A and B. Cluster A included suscept ible GM4 and cluster B showed the all resistant lines viz., NAUMR1, NAUMR2, NAUMR3 and MEHA. Cluster B bifurcated in to two subclusters, B1 and B2 with simi larity coefficient of approx. 0.72. Subcluster B1 comprises MEHA whereas subcluster B2 contained remaining three resistant lines. Diversity in all the resistant and suscept ible were observed by the ISSR markers also. Out of the seventeen RGA marker combinat ions, four markers amplified DNA from the resistant, however, could not ampli fy any DNA fragment from the suscept ible. On sequencing al l these fragment were found 98 % similarity with each other. Similarly in the case of other RGA fragments showed simi larity with Vigna radiata viral resistance candidate. In F1 all the plants showed resistant phenotype and also the presence of specific band of ~450bp in molecular analysis with the RGA markers which was absent in the suscept ible cult ivar GM-4. The same followed phenotypic as well as genotypic segregat ion rat io of 3 (Resistant ):1(Suscept ible) in F2. Interest ingly in BC1F1, 10 plants were observed and the 1:1 rat io of phenotype and genotype was observed. Data suggested that the resistance is governed by single dominant gene. Looking at the phenotypic, genotypic and agronomic characterist ics, MEHA was found superior among all the Abstract…. resistant sources. Therefore MEHA is further proposed for the int rogression of resistant gene through breeding programme. Use of the cult ivated variety in breeding as donor is always preferred over uncharacterized germplasm as to reduce linkage drag. Among four markers, RGA pair-2 (VRMYMVRGA-2) is recommended to check the inheritance of gene in succeeding generat ions.
diseases, genes, planting, crossing over, rapd, selection, polymorphism, land resources, germplasm, dna