Etiopathomorphological studies of buffaloes/buffalo calves mortality

dc.contributor.advisorJakhar, K.K.
dc.description.abstractThe present study was envisaged to understand the pathological, bacteriological and parasitological aspects of hepatic tract disorders in buffaloes. Data pertaining to thirty buffaloes /buffalo calves brought for post mortem to the of Department of Veterinary Pathology showing gross lesions in liver revealed that mortality was maximum in buffalo calves of age group up to 1 month. Regarding sex of buffalo calves, mortality was much higher in females. Systemwise disease noticed were hepatitis, gastritis, enteritis, gastroenteritis and pneumonia in buffalo/buffalo calves. Gross pathological changes in various organs noticed were congestion and haemorrhages in liver, necrotic foci on liver surface, hard indurated liver and hepatomegaly. In case of lungs there was congestion, haemorrhages, fibrinous pneumonia along with adhesions. In kidneys there was congestion, haemorrhages and adhesions. Congestion, thickened capsule and splenomegaly along with adhesions were seen in spleen. Heart revealed congestion, haemorrhages, hydropericardium and adhesions. Lymph nodes were hard. Congestion along with haemorrhages was evidenced in intestines. Histopathologically there was congestion, haemorrhages in liver. Hydropic degeneration, fatty changes, necrotic changes in parenchyma, infiltration of leucocytes, proliferation of fibroblast, bile duct hyperplasia and atrophy of hepatocytes were also seen. Lung revealed congestion, edema in pleura and parenchyma, thickened pleura due to fibroblast proliferation, pseudolobulation and leucocytic infiltration in interstitial tissue. Kidney showed congestion, haemorrhages, coagulative necrosis, fibroblast proliferation, leucocytic infiltration in interstitial tissue and atrophy of glomeruli. In spleen, there was congestion, thickening of capsule, depletion of lymphocytes in white pulp and reticulo endothelial cell hyperplasia. Heart showed edema congestion, haemorrhages, fragmentation and necrosis of muscle fibres and leucocytic infiltration. Lymph node revealed congestion in cortex and medulla, depletion of lymphocytes in germinal center of lymphoid follicle, necrosis and cystic structure formation and fibroblast proliferation. In intestine there were desquamation of mucosa. Congestion, goblet cell hyperplasia, infiltration of leucocytes and ulceration. Cultural isolation of suspected etiological agents from carcasses of buffalo/ buffalo calves revealed that E.coli was most prevalent bacteria followed by Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp., Citrobacter divergens .E.coli serotype O9 was most prevalent serotype followed by O121, O20, O21, O132, O101 and many other less frequent were O12, O6, O8, O12, O73. A total of 21 strains were isolated, 5 strains were rough and 5 were untypable. Strains isolated from liver were O8, O9, O12, O19, O20, O101, O128, O132 and Rough. Strains isolated from liver along with other organs were O9, O20, O132, Rough.O8 strain was isolated only from liver. Parasitic examination of intestinal contents revealed infestation of Strongyle spp. along with Eimeria spp.en_US
dc.keywordsStudies, Buffalo calves, Mortalityen_US
dc.subVeterinary Pathologyen_US
dc.themeEtiopathomorphological studies of buffaloes/buffalo calves mortalityen_US
dc.titleEtiopathomorphological studies of buffaloes/buffalo calves mortalityen_US