Cotton growth and yield simulation under different sowing environments of Punjab

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The investigation entitled “Cotton growth and yield simulation under different sowing environments of Punjab” has been carried out at Punjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Stations of Faridkot and Bathinda during kharif season of 2017. The experiment comprised of three sowing dates (April 20, May 10 and May 30) in main plots and four cotton cultivars (F 2228, F 1861, NCS 855 BGII and RCH 650 BGII) in subplots of split plot design replicated thrice. Pooled data revealed that cotton sown on April 20 recorded highest seed cotton yield (2946.8 kg/ha) which was higher by 8 % than May 10 (2727.0 kg/ha) and 29 % higher than May 30 (2090.9 kg/ha) sown crop owing to favorable weather parameters resulting in better growth, yield and yield attributes. Congenial weather conditions benefited the early sown (April 20) crop with an extended crop growth period by 20 % leading to 50 % higher bolls per plant and enhanced boll weight by 14 % as compared to late (May 30) sown crop. Among the cultivars, Bt hybrids i.e. NCS 855 BGII and RCH 650 BGII produced significantly better seed cotton yield of 2997.4 and 2883.7 kg/ha, respectively as compared to non Bt cultivars like F 2228 (2295.3 kg/ha) and F 1861 (2176.6 kg/ha). Pooled data further depicted that productivity of Bt hybrids was higher by ~25 % as compared to studied non Bt cultivars. Results of crop weather relationship indicated that weather variables viz. bright sunshine hours (0.82), GDD (0.73), HTU (0.86), PTU (0.73) and maximum (0.76) and minimum (0.81) relative humidity at square stage were most decisive to achieve better yield whereas, maximum (-0.50) and minimum temperature (-0.46) and evaporation (-0.82) were negatively associated and reduced seed cotton yield. The CROPGRO-cotton model of DSSAT (v. 4.6) was calibrated and validated with fair degree of accuracy having index of agreement (d-Stat) by 0.31-0.46 (emergence), 0.83-0.93 (anthesis), 0.89-0.98 (physiological maturity), 0.46-0.73 (leaf area index), 0.13-0.59 (plant height), 0.97-0.98 (seed cotton yield) and 0.72-0.97 (above ground biomass).