Current concepts in nutrition and feeding of hybrid layer chicken

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TANUVAS, Chennai
The genetically improved modern commercial layers are capable of producing 330 eggs in their productive life of up to 72 weeks. The journey of genetic improvement continues and the breeding companies now developed ‘long life’ layers that can lay 500 eggs in 100 weeks of age. The changing production dynamics of layer chicken calls for better understanding of nutrient requirements and good nutritional programming. Prediction models are being used to assess the nutrient requirements of the hybrid layers; while, precision feeding of quantity of feed and or nutrients can lower feed costs and ensures more predictable bird performance. In-ovo and early chick nutrition give jump start at juvenile stage of chicken. The idea of split feeding, although beneficial in certain production parameters, suffers the disadvantages of additional infrastructure and workforce requirements. The nutritional programme for egg size, shell quality and feeding for value added designer egg production is aimed at increasing the profit to the farmers. In recent days, feeding for healthy gut that enables efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients has also gained paramount importance. The concept of feed nanotechnology can help in increasing nutrient availability and environment protection; while, phytogenic products can some extent replace the role played by antibiotic growth promoters. The advancements in biotechnology has opened up not only numerous opportunities for the development of products and technologies for poultry feeding, but also to study the influence of nutritional factors on genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
Veterinary Science, Poultry Science