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Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola.
An experiment entitled “Effect of different environmental conditions on performance of sapota softwood grafts worked on invigorated khirni rootstock.” was carried out at Commercial Fruit Nursery, Nagarjun Garden, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, during the year 2016-2017 with the objectives to study the effect of different environmental conditions on performance of sapota softwood grafting on invigorated Khirni rootstocks and to find out the suitable environmental condition for higher success and better growth of sapota grafts on invigorated Khirni rootstocks. Experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with eight treatment combinations comprising factor A four different environmental conditions C1 (Open condition), C2 (Partial shade condition), C3 (Partial shade (tree shade) condition), C4 (Poly house condition) and factor B comprised of two decaping height of invigorated khirni rootstock viz., 10 cm and 15 cm from ground level and these were replicated five times. The result of present investigation indicated that the response of different environmental conditions varied with respect to decaping height of invigorated khirni rootstock. The treatment combination of poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level took minimum days for bud sprouting (15.80) days which was at par with treatment combination green shade net tunnel 50% and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level (16.12) days. Whereas, open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level took maximum days for sprouting (22.46) days. Maximum initial graft success (83.00 %) was observed in poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level and minimum initial graft success (61.00 %) was observed in partial shade (tree shade) and 10 decaping height at cm from ground level. Maximum length of scion shoot (20.20 cm) was observed in poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level, whereas minimum length of scion shoot (12.16 cm) exhibited by open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. Maximum sprout length (19.76 cm) and maximum leaves per graft (24.40) were observed in poly tunnel and decaping height at decaping height at 15 cm from ground level. While minimum sprout length (11.04 cm) and minimum leaves (20.16) were produced by open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. Maximum leaf area (51.40 cm2) was observed in poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level. While, minimum leaf area (36.14 cm2) was observed by partial shade (tree shade) and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. Maximum Average growth rate (0.40) was obtained in poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level, whereas, minimum (0.015) was observed in open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. Maximum fresh and dry weight of grafts (9.46 and 6.20 g respectively) were obtained in poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level. Whereas, minimum (4.00 and 3.22 g respectively) was observed in open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. Maximum final survival of grafts (81.00%) was obtained in poly tunnel and 15 decaping height at cm from ground level, whereas minimum final survival of graft (59.00%) was exhibited by partial shade (tree shade) and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. Maximum per cent saleable grafts (79.00 %) obtained in poly tunnel and decaping height at 15 cm from ground level, whereas minimum percent saleable grafts (60.00 %) obtained by open condition and decaping height at 10 cm from ground level. For utilization of the invigorated khirni rootstock seedlings which were failed during last year, can be reused by grafting in poly tunnel with decaping height at 15 cm from ground level, for getting maximum grafts success.
Sapota (Manilkara achras L.) is one of the important fruit crop of tropical and subtropical regions of India. It is popularly known as ‘’Chiku’’ or Sapodilla in India. It is a delicious fruit and eaten as dessert fruit. There is difficult to control the climatic conditions for success of sapota grafts. To overcome such problem, greenhouse i.e. poly house and net house or partial shade are very advantageous than the open condition, for getting success grafts of sapota. The cost of graftable rayan stock plant is very high (Rs. 10 per plant ). Normally percentage of graft take ranges between 65 to 80 and the rest 20 to 35 per cent of stock plants from unsuccessful grafts can not be reused successfully for approach grafting. It is felt necessary to find out the possibilities of utilization of these plants for re-grafting. For utilization of the invigorated khirni rootstock seedlings which were failed during last year, can be reused by grafting in different environmental conditions with decaping height at 10 cm and 15 cm from ground level, for getting maximum grafts success.
ANANT , ASHUTOSH, (2017). EFFECT OF DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ON PERFORMANCE OF SAPOTA SOFTWOOD GRAFTS WORKED ON INVIGORATED KHIRNI ROOTSTOCK. Department of Horticulture, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. M. Sc. 2017. xv, 104p, (Unpublished).