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Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Akola, Maharashtra
The present field experiment entitled “Soil and foliar application of humic acids on nitrogen dynamics under cotton grown in Vertisol” was conducted at Long Term Fertilizers Experiment Field, Research Farm, Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry and laboratory analysis was conducted at Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Dr. PanjabraoDeshmukhKrishiVidyapeeth, Akola during kharifseason 2021-22. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with ten treatments and three replications, with object to study the effect of humic acids on vertical distribution of various forms of nitrogen and to assess the effect of humic acids on nutrient content and dry matter accumulation in different plant parts of cotton. The treatments consists of viz; 100 % RDF through soil (T1), 100 % RDF through soil + foliar spray (05) of HA-1 @ 0.5 %(T2), 100 % RDF through soil + foliar spray (05) of HA-2 @ 0.5 %(T3), 100 % RDF through drip(T4), 75 % RDF through drip + HA-1 @ 0.2 % through drip(T5), 75 % RDF through drip + HA-2 @ 0.2 % through drip(T6), 75 % RDF through drip + HS-1 @ 0.2 % through drip(T7), 75 % RDF through drip + HS-2 @ 0.2 % through drip(T8), HS-1 @ 0.2 % through drip(T9), HA-2 @ 0.2 % through drip(T10). The results of the present experiment revealed that significantly higher Nitrate–N and Ammonium-N content was recorded with the application of HS-1 @ 0.2 % through drip. Total-N content found significantly highest with the application of 100 % RDF through drip, whereas the effect of various treatments on Total-N at subsurface soil was non-significant. The dry matter accumulation was found significantly highest with the application of 100 % RDF through drip. The significantly highest seed yield, stalk yield and the uptake of nutrients by different plants parts were observed with 100% RDF through drip. The chemical properties of soil i.e., EC, organic carbon, available N and P were significantly enhanced due to application of various treatments. In respect of available K, S and DTPA extractable micronutrients were found non-significant and the highest available N, P, K and S recorded with the application of100 % RDF through drip. Thus, from the experimentation, it can be concluded that, the application of humic substances through drip increases the microbial activity resulting in uptake of nutrients by the crop. 100% recommended dose of fertilizers through drip produced higher yield and improved uptake of nutrients by different plant parts. Similarly, in treatment 75 % RDF through drip + HS-1 @ 0.2 % through drip the saving of 25% chemical fertilizers was observed and the application of humic substances supported for the same by enhancing increase in the carbon content. Hence soil and foliar application of humic acids along with recommended dose of fertilizers through drip is beneficial for obtaining higher yield of cotton and maintaining residual fertility of soil.
WADHOKAR, MAHESH GAJANAN. (2022).Soil and foliar application of humic acids on nitrogen dynamics under cotton grown in Vertisol.Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Dr. PanjabraoDeshmukhKrishiVidyapeeth, Akola. M. Sc. 2022. Print. xv, 107p. (Unpublished).