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The study area i.e. Shetrunji basin falling in the district of Bhavanagar, Amreli and Junagadh, is a major one among 71 river basins of Saurashtra region of the Gujarat state, India. The agriculture is the major social, cultural and economic activity of the people in this basin. The water is the most important input resource in the agriculture. The major share of monsoon rainfall concentrated during July and August month. Therefore, the scope for the natural recharge is very less. The existing surface water resources in the study basin include three dams (i.e. Khodiyar and Shetrunji on main river and Munjiasir on its tributaries), and thus present surface water resources are not enough to meet real water demands of this basin area. The major part of the rainwater runs away to Gulf of Khambat Sea, hence there is a need of additional water harvesting structure across existing streams of different orders. Planning of any surface water resources development needs runoff characteristics of the basin to decide various kinds of water harvesting structures. Effective functioning life of such water harvesting structures depends on the sediment loads, carried by input runoff water. This sediment load of the runoff water should be inevitably minimized by taking appropriate soil conservation measures under watershed development plan. Planning any soil and water conservation requires the complete knowledge and quantified indicators reflecting true hydrological behaviour of contributory watershed. Hydrological behaviour of any natural w/atershed or basin depends on its geomorphological characteristics which need to be assessed and quantified properly. The determination of the morphometric characteristics of any watershed requires intensive survey, which is a tedious, difficult and time consuming activity if done by adopting traditional methods. Present study was undertaken adopting remote sensing and GIS technology to ease the task keeping with a view to explain the possibility of below given objectives in background; 1. To prepare the thematic maps of Shetrunji river basin. 2. To determine the morphometric characteristics of Shetrunji river basin. 3. To estimate the runoff potential. Using the remotely sensed images of the IRS P6 LISS III and Cartosat satellites, the maps for the theme of land use/land cover, soil, drainage, slope and contour were prepared adopting the PCI Geomatica 10.1 software. The GIS analysis was made for the said themes using the ArcMap V9.2. The linear parameters like stream order, stream length, bifurcation ratio, stream length ratio and length of overland flow stream frequency, areal parameters like stream frequency, drainage density, texture ratio, elongation ratio, circularity ratio, form factor and compactness coefficient and relief parameters relief, relative relief,relief ratio, channel slope and ground slope or watershed average slope were determined using GIS. The daily runoff was determined using the SOS ON method using daily rainfall data of monsoon months (June- October) for the year 1961-2010. The time series of monsoon rainfall, runoff and runoff volume were analysed for the preparation of relevant frequency curves. The Shetrunji basin was found as 7^^ order basin. The mean bifurcation ratio was found as 4.51 for the basin and it varied from 1.8 to 4 for the 17 watersheds which indicated that the geological structures did not amply disturbed the drainage pattern. The length of overland flow for watersheds of the basin was found varying from 0.1919 to 0.4419 km. while 0.3132 km for the basin. The drainage texture for watersheds of the basin varied from 3.3 to 10.7. For watershed 5G2B4a. 5G2B4b 5G2B4c and 5G2B6c it was greater than 8 reflecting texture as very fine in nature, while 5G2B5d. 5G2B5c, 5G2B6a. 5G2B6d were moderate in nature. Remaining watersheds remained coarser in nature while for basin it was found as 19.3 indicating it as fine in nature. The drainage density of the basin was found as 1.5965 km/km^ while for its 17 watersheds it ranged between 1.14 to 2.60 km/km^, indicating highly permeable subsoil region, dense vegetation cover and low relief. The elongation ratio of the watersheds varied from 0.45 to 0.85. The watersheds 5G2B2b, 5G2B2C, 5G2B4a, 5G2B4b, 5G2B4c, 5G2B5b, 5G2B5c, 5G2B6a and 5G2B2d were more elongated in nature, while remaining one were less elongated in nature. For the basin as a whole it was 0.6206 indicating less elongation. Similarly the form factor for basin was found 0.3023 and for basin watersheds it varied from 0.16 to 0.56. These low values of form factor indicate the existence of flatter peak flows for longer duration. The circularity ratios for watersheds were found in the range of 0.37 to 0.77 and 0.3853 for basin as a whole, which all together reflects elongated shape, low runoff and high permeability of the subsoil. The compactness coefficient for watersheds was found in between 1.14 to 1.79 and 1.6106 for basin as a whole. In general watersheds of study basin had elongated shape showing the fact there remains enough time for discharge of end runoff or indirectly a sufficient value of time of concentration to facilitate easy disposal of watershed runoff yield. The relief, relative relief and relief ratio for watersheds ranged from 0.095 to 0.445 km, 0.0915 to 0.5399 and 0,00273 to 0.019 and that of for the basin as 0.605 km, 0.1410 and 0.004427 respectively. These values of relief ratios indicate that the discharge capability of watersheds is very high and simultaneously the groundwater recharge potential is meagre. The ground slope and channel slope for different watersheds of study basin were found varied from 0.00307 km/km to 0.0192 km/km and 0.001549 km/km to 0 01224 km/km; and for the basin 0.004427 km/km and 0.002820 km/km, respectively. According to severity ranking of each watershed the compound parameters were estimated by averaging the priorities. The final priority was allotted to the watersheds according to the values of compound parameters. The value of compound parameter for all 17 watersheds varied from 6 to 11.50. The watershed 5G2B5d (compound parameter value 6) receives the highest III priority value and so it becomes potential and prioritized candidate for applying soil conservation measures, in contrast to the other watersheds with low priorities are subjected to lower degree of erosion. Such kind of watershed prioritization becomes helpful to overall watershed management planning. The area weighted runoff depth from the basin at 25%, 50% and 75% dependability was found 332mm, 127mm and 68mm respectively. The runoff potential of the basin at 75% dependability was found 388MCM which can bring additional area of 38800 ha under irrigation during winter season if harvested (assuming 50% storage losses and 50 cm seasonal irrigation requirement of crop). The morphometric properties determined for this basin as whole and for each watershed will be useful for the sound planning of water harvesting and groundwater recharge projects on watershed base. IV