Effect of different levels of fertilizers with organic sources on growth yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.)

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
An investigation entitled “Effect of different levels of fertilizers with organic sources on growth, yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.)” was undertaken at the experimental farm, Department of Horticulture, VNMKV, Parbhani, in late Kharif season during 2020-21 and 2021-22. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three different levels of RDF, F1: RDF 80% (80:40:40 NPK kg/ha), F2: RDF 100% (100:50:50 NPK kg/ha) and F3: RDF 120% (120:60:60 NPK kg/ha) with six levels of organic sources viz., S0 : Control, S1 : Biomix 10 kg/ha, S2 : Biomix 12.5 kg/ha, S3 : Biomix 15 kg/ha, S4 : Humic acid 05 kg/ha and S5 : Humic acid 10 kg/ha comprising eighteen treatments and replicated thrice. The onion was transplanted on 20.08.2020 and 21.08.2021 with 15 cm row to row and 10 cm plant to plant spacing. The observations on growth, bulb, roots, yield, quality and storage parameters of onion were recorded and economics was worked out and subjected for statistical analysis. The results of the present investigation indicated that, regarding the growth attributes of onion it is observed that, the different growth parameters were significantly influenced due to different levels of RDF. The highest values of growth attributes viz., plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width, fresh weight of leaves per plant, dry weight of leaves per plant, neck length, maximum days required to maturity of onion bulbs and less bolting per cent were recorded under F3: RDF 120% (120:60:60 NPK kg/ha), except neck thickness which was recorded maximum under RDF 100%. Minimum twin bulbs per cent were recorded with application of F1 (80:40:40 NPK kg/ha). Among, the organic sources levels, S3 i.e. Biomix 15 kg/ha recorded higher values of growth attributes viz. plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, fresh weight of leaves per plant and dry weight of leaves per plant, neck length, except leaf width and neck thickness which was recorded maximum under S5 treatment. Minimum bolting per cent was recorded under humic acid 10 kg/ha. The higher values of bulb attributes viz., polar diameter of bulb (6.48 cm), equatorial diameter of bulb (8.29 cm), number of scales per bulb (8.76) and volume of bulb (73.21 cc) was recorded under F3: RDF 120% (120:60:60 NPK kg/ha). In organic sources humic acid 10 kg/ha level recorded higher values of bulb attributes viz., polar diameter (6.06 cm), equatorial diameter of bulb (7.80 cm), number of scales per bulb (7.99) and volume of bulb (72.59 cc). In root studies, the onion produced under RDF 120 % have recorded the higher values of the root parameters, viz., number of roots per bulb (146.49) and root length (20.63 cm). In organic sources the maximum number of roots per bulb (143.98) and root length (19.53 cm) was recorded under humic acid 10 kg/ha. The higher values of yield attributes viz., fresh weight of bulb (62.71 g), bulb yield (18.81 kg per plot) and bulb yield (23.52 t/ha) was recorded with RDF 120 % as compaired to other treatments. Among, the organic sources levels the humic acid 10 kg/ha recorded maximum fresh weight of bulb (61.58 g), bulb yield (18.47 kg per plot) and bulb yield (23.09 t/ha). However, it was statistically at par with biomix 15 kg/ha. In interaction effect treatment combination F3S5 (RDF 120% + Humic acid 10 kg/ha) recorded significantly maximum fresh weight of bulb (65.48 g), bulb yield (19.64 kg per plot) and bulb yield (24.56 t/ha). The onion bulb produced under 120 % RDF have recorded the higher values of the quality parameters, viz., Chlorophyll content (63.44 SPAD Value), ascorbic acid content (11.71 mg/100g), total soluble solids (12.23 %), reducing sugar (2.33 %), non reducing sugar (5.27 %) and total sugar (7.60 %). Among, the organic sources humic acid 10 kg/ha recorded higher chlorophyll content (59.66 SPAD Value), total soluble solids (11.91 %), reducing sugar (2.29 %), non reducing sugar (5.03 %) and total sugar (7.32 %), except ascorbic acid (10.89 mg/100g) content which was recorded maximum under biomix 15 kg/ha. In five months of storage studies, the minimum physiological loss in weight (18.47 %) at ambient condition was observed under 80:40:40 NPK kg/ha and maximum total soluble solids (%) were recorded with 120:60:60 NPK kg/ha. In organic sources the less PLW (18.55 %) at ambient storage was recorded under biomix 15 kg/ha during five months of storage study. In fifth month of storage period more total soluble solids was found under humic acid 10 kg/ha treatment. The minimum cost of cultivation (Rs.1,09,225.02 /ha) was recorded under F1S3 i.e. 80:40:40 NPK kg/ha with biomix 15 kg/ha. The maximum gross monetary returns (Rs.269561.25 /ha) and net monetary (Rs. 154913.62/ha) returns was recorded with F3S5 i.e. 120:60:60 NPK kg/ha with humic acid 10 kg/ha, while, maximum B: C ratio (2.38) was recorded under 120:60:60 NPK kg/ha with biomix 15 kg/ha. Hence, to find out the effective combination of RDF with an organic source for increasing yield, quality and economics of onion during the late kharif season in 2020–21 and 2021–22, the treatment, i.e., F3S5 (RDF 120 % with humic acid 10 kg/ha), which was found significantly superior over the rest of the treatment for yield, quality and economics, was closely followed by F3S3 (RDF 120 % with biomix 15 kg/ha).