Impact of Community radio station ‘Namma Dhwani’ on people’s socio-economic and cult ural development in Budikote, Karnataka

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The present research was framed to asse ss the impact of community radio station ‘Namma Dhwani’ on people’s so cio-economic and cultural development in Budikote, situated in Kolar District of Karnataka st ate. The study also reflected the mode of participatory message developm ent and communication, and the level of participation of the people of Budikote in the production of programmes. Other objec tives of the study were to study the evolution of community radio in Indi a, profile characteristics and problems faced by the communicators in operating the community radio station. The samp le size consisted of 80 respondents out of which 9 were the studio managers. The respondents were interviewed personally by a well structured and pre-tested interview schedule. The descriptive statistics was used to analyze the collected data. Majority of the respondents were of middle age group (45%) with about 33.8 % respondents were having up to middle school of education, 70 percent of the respondents had large families and most of the respondents belonge d to small farmer category i.e. 79 percent. There existed 40 percent people wh o belonged to the category of upper middle in terms of net annual income, 56% respondents of the respondents ’ belonged to more than one organization in terms of social participation, 52.5 % bel onged to medium economic motivation category, respondents had highly favorable attitude towards the programmes of Namma Dhwani. Most respondents had moderate (66.25%) level of extension contact, high (59%) mass media exposure, 60 % of the studio managers had medium level of job sati sfaction and 90 percent had experienced medium level of stress in their job performance. The result shows that in the define phase of participatory message development and communication 80 percent of the respondents ha d participated, 50 percent in design phase, only 25 percent participat ed in produce phase because of the technicality involved in the message development , and 65 percent of the re spondents participated in the evaluate phase. The different levels of particip ation indicates that there is high participation in the first and the last phase of the message de velopment, medium level of participation in the second phase and low in the third phase of the message deve lopment process. The message effectiveness of the message developed was found to be high among 65 % of the respondents. The overall social impact of Namma Dhwani indicated that it had influenced the leadership behavior of the respondents the most followed by other dimensions health and sanitation, education, food habit and family system. More changes had occurred in savings which was ranked first among the economic impact dimensions which was followed by investments, income, and maintenance of cr editworthiness and employment opportunities. The overall cultural impact indi cated that the programmes on folk songs had been accorded the first place and others being re vival of lost cultural folk song s, clarification of superstitious beliefs and acculturation of va rious ethnic linguistic groups. Among the most important problems identif ied were power break down, internet connectivity, lying down of cable problems, Lack of IT literacy, production of need based programmes inefficiency in service delivery, hard ware and software problems, low efficiency of community resource persons, lack of incentives and more service charges.