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Cotton is the most important fiber and cash crop of India and plays a dominant role in industrial and agricultural economy of the country.Cotton is both tropical and subtropical crop.One of the most difficulties in cotton producers is the need to clear the ground stalk odd cotton plants after final harvesting. At present, only manual uprooting or cutting of the plant stalks are followed, which is highly labour intensive, time consuming and costly. In some area’s farmers used repeated heavily disking to cut the cotton stalks and cover it with soil. Pink boll warm (PBW) insect causes maximum damage to cotton crop.
Commonly available cotton stalk shredder cut the plant 5-6 inches above the soil surface. Shredders are not handling with root and the root system measures as a disposal problem to the cotton growers. If the roots are not uprooted, the insects and pests will remain alive and transfer to the next year.
The experimental study was conducted on “Development and evaluation of cotton stalk uprooter cum shredder” was carried out at RARS Nandyal. In the experimental plot the row to row and intra spacing are 60 and 30 cm. The physical properties of cotton stalks were calculated initially. The average values of height of cotton plant, taproot length, diameter, stalk moisture and soil moisture are 117.4 cm, 34.7 cm, 2.2 cm, 27.1 % and 11.1 % respectively.Three widths of blades (10, 15 and 20 cm) were selected for uprooting of cotton stalks at three depths (5, 10 and 15 cm) and operation speeds at (1.3, 1.5 and 1.65 km.h-1). The uprooting efficiency was 95.2% maximum for 20 cm width of the blade at 15 cm depth the operating speed of 1.65 km.h-1 but it requires more draft force 341.4 kgf and wheel slip was 17.2%. The uprooting efficiency 91.6% for the blade of 20 cm width slightly less at depth of 10 cm require less draft force of 257.4 kgf and was slip wheel was less 10.3 % at operating speed of 1.65km. h-1. The minimum U.E was obtained 79.9 % and 83.2 % for 10 and 15 cm width of the blade at depth of 10 cm and operating speed was 1.65 km.h-1 respectively. The draft obtained for 10 and 15 cm width of the blade at 10 cm depth were 239.8 and 253.2 kgf and wheel slip was 8.3 and 9.3% at operating speed of 1.65 km. h-1. The operating speed of 1.3 got minimum uprooting efficiency of 52.5, 62.2 and 69.5 % and speed of 1.5 km.h-1 has uprooting efficiency of 62.5, 64.4 and 79.9 % more than1.3 km.h-1
for the 10, 15 and 20 cm width of the blade at10 cm depth. The theoretical field capacity was 0.33 ha.h-1was maximum at operating speed of 1.65 km.h-1 and minimum of 0.26 ha.h-1for the blade width of 20 cm at operating speed of 1.3 km.h-1. The effective field capacity for 20 cm width of the blade was maximum of 0.28 ha.h-1at operating speed of km.h-1 and minimum of 0.16 ha.h-1at operating speed of 1.3 km.h-1. The field efficiency of 84.4 % was at 1.65 km.h-1 and minimum field efficiency of 61.5 % at operating speed of 1.3 km.h-1.The cost economics of cotton stalk Uprooter cum shredder was less 2550 Rs.h-1 when compared with manual method.
Key words:Uprooting efficiency, draft force, wheel slip, width of the blade, depth of operation, speedof operation and field efficiency.