An Economic Analysis of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Production in Banda District of Bundelkhand Region (U.P.)

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Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda-210001, Uttar Pradesh, India
The study was carried out to examine the an economic analysis of Chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) Production in Banda District of Bundelkhand Region (U.P.) The Banda District comprises eight block i.e. Badokhar Khurd, Jaspura, Tindwari, Naraini, Mahua, Baberu, Bisanda and Kamasin. Among these, Baberu block was selected purposively, because it had the largest area and production in Chickpea. In Baberu block, six villages were selected randomly and from each village 20 ChickPea growers were also selected randomly to make 120 sample for the study. The variables of socio- economic status of Chickpea growers had revealed that the average age was found 54.64 years and marital status revealed the 96.67 % growers were married with average family size was found 8.25 members. There 74.16% of than farm family were living as joint family and 92.50% farm families belongs to Hindu community over 70.83% literacy rate was observed. it was also revealed that 86% growers were living mix and katcha house and the majority growers were engaged in on farm activities, their average annual income was found Rs.134533. However, the cropping pattern indicates, during rabi season 64.68% land was cultivated with major source of irrigation was observed tube- well in study area. The cost and return analysis indicates that the total average benefit cost (C3) of chickpea incurred in Rs. 35941.05/ha., respectively. It was also estimates the average benefit cost ratio 1:1.64 which also indicates that the per unit profit from chickpea production . The coefficient of determination (R2) revealed that independent variables i.e. man-days X1, seed X2 and PPM X5 estimated significant at the 1% level of significance and the sum of the elasticites indicates the diminishing returns to scale. While the MVP of different inputs were found underutilized of Chickpea of chickpea production in the study area.
Panday Himanshu 2020.An Economic Analysis of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Production in Banda District of Bundelkhand Region (U.P.). M.Sc. Thesis. 95p.