Agronomic assessment of zero tilled cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L) grown with various inputs under Konkan condition. (Accession No. T06258)

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DBSKKV., Dapoli
DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DAPOLI. Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli – 415 712, Dist. Ratnagiri (Maharashtra) Title of Thesis : Agronomic assessment of zero tilled cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L) grown with various inputs under Konkan condition. Name of the student : Ms. Monika Vijay Kamble Registration No. : 2392 Name of Research Guide : Dr. U. V. Mahadkar Associate Dean and Director of Research, Dr.D.B.S.K.K.V. Dapoli. Dist-Ratnagiri. 415712. Year of Award of Degree : 2017 ABSTRACT The field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2016 to investigate the, “Agronomic assessment of zero tilled cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L.) grown with various inputs under Konkan condition.” was conducted at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design. There were eight treatments which were replicated thrice. The treatments mainly comprised of Absolute control (T1), Weed control (T2), Weed control + RDF (T3), Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers (T4), Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers + Micronutrients (T5), Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers + Micronutrients + Plant protection (T6), Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers + Micronutrients + Plant protection + Paclobutrazol (T7), Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers + Micronutrients + Plant protection + Paclobutrazol + One irrigation (T8). The gross plot size was 6.0 m x 4.5m and net plot size was 4.8m x 3.9m, respectively. The soil of the experimental plot was sandy clay loam in texture, acidic in pH and medium in organic carbon content. It was low in available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus and available potassium. During the course of present investigation, periodical growth observations, weed study, nodule study, yield attributing characters and yield, soil moisture study were recorded to evaluate the treatment effects also quality and uptake of nutrients by the cowpea were estimated. The experimental results revealed that, treatment Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers + Micronutrients + Plant protection + Paclobutrazol + One irrigation (T8) found significantly superior for all the growth parameters, yield attributing characters, protein content and grain and straw yield followed by treatment T7. However both the treatments remained statistically at par with each other, but found significantly superior over rest of the treatments. Similarly, treatment T6 which was followed by treatments T5, T4, T3, T2 in that descending order. The significantly lowest grain and straw yield was recorded by treatment T1(Absolute control) where no any input was given to crop (T1). Increase in grain yield due to treatments T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8 over treatments T1 was to the tune of 48.44, 64.20, 67.27, 71.09, 76.43, 76.84 and 82.26 per cent, respectively. Assessment of impact of different inputs indicated that, reduction in the yield of rice due to various inputs was to the tune of (16.67 %) due to weed control, (15.14 %) due to RDF, (4.66 %) due to bio-fertilizers, (7.17 %) due to multinutrient solution, (13.89 %) due to plant protection, (1.34 %) due to paclobutrazol and (23.39 %) due to one irrigation. The mean weed density was found to be statistically at all the stages of crop growth. At harvest weed density was recorded significantly lowest in all treatment plots and which were at par except T8. The highest weed density was observed in absolute control plot. The number of effective nodules was recorded significantly highest in T8 than rest of the treatments and the lowest was recorded by T1 (absolute control). Significantly higher values of protein, N, P, and K in grain and stover and total uptake by cowpea was significantly more in T8 over rest of the treatments. Also the soil moisture per cent was significantly highest in T8 than the remaining treatments. In respect of economics, it was observed that the treatment (T8) Weed control + RDF + Bio-fertilizers + Micronutrients + Plant protection + Paclobutrazol + One irrigation has given highest net returns (Rs. 21621.25 ha-1) and B:C ratio (1.79).