A Study of Self-Esteem, Defense Mechanisms and Subjective Well-Being in Infertile Women

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The present study was undertaken to identify the causes of infertility and to assess the self-esteem, defense mechanisms and subjective well-being of rural and urban infertile women of Ludhiana district. The study was conducted upon the sample of 180 respondents drawn equally from rural and urban areas of Ludhiana district. The respondents were also equally distributed over three socio-economic statras (n= 60 for each Socio-Economic Strata i.e low, middle and high). A self-structured Interview Schedule was prepared to identify the infertility profile of the respondents. Socio-Economic Status Scale by Meenakshi , Self-Esteem Inventory by Coopersmith, Defense Mechanisms Inventory By Mrinal and Singhal and Subjective Well-being Inventory By Nagpal And Shell was used to assess the socio-economic status, self-esteem, defense mechanisms and subjective well-being of the respondents respectively. The respondents were selected from government hospitals, public health centres, private clinics and maternity homes by using purposive and snowball sampling technique. Results revealed that polycystic ovary syndrome was observed as the most common reason of infertility among rural and urban respondents. There was a significant difference in the self-esteem as majority of rural respondents had low levels of self-esteem as compared to majority of urban respondents who had average levels of self-esteem. Significant difference was observed in the subjective well-being of rural and urban respondents and socio-economic status was also significantly associated with the subjective well-being of the respondents. There was significant difference in the use of the defense principalization as the urban respondents were using it more as compared to the rural respondents . Significant difference (p<0.05) was observed in use of turning against self as a defense as the level of its use was higher among the rural respondents. Non significant difference was observed in use of other defenses like projection, turning against object and reversal. Results also revealed that use of principalization is significantly associated with duration of infertility (p<0.01) and educational qualification (p<0.01) of the respondents and use of turning against self is significantly associated with family type (p<0.01) and occupational status (p<0.05) of the respondents.
biological phenomena, animal tissues, livestock, fruits, granules, cytoplasm, cytoplasmic organelles, organic compounds, developmental stages, polysaccharides