Eco-Friendly Management of Leaf Spot of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) Caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The present study was undertaken on “Eco-friendly management of leaf spot of spinach caused by Alternaria alternata”. The investigations have various aspects viz., isolation of pathogen, identification, pathogenicity test, cultural and morphological characteristics of pathogen in laboratory and evaluation of host plant resistance, fungicides, bio-agents and botanicals in vitro and field condition for the management of alternaria leaf spot of spinach. The pathogen was isolated and purified by single spore isolation technique from diseased leaves of spinach. The pathogencity of Alternaria alternata was proved on susceptible spinach cultivar “All Green” in cage-house. The growth of culture studied in in vitro, showed olive green with regular margin and on later turned grey to dark brown and black colour. Conidiophore were simple cylindrical branched to un-branched and thick walled with 1–4 septate and dark brown in colour. Conidia were pale brown to dark brown in colour and obclavate to obpyriform (muriform) with four to five transverse and zero to two longitudinal septa. The size of conidia was measured within the range of 22-34 μm long × 12-16 μm wide (Average size of conidia 27.40 μm long × 13.90 μm wide). Five spinach cultivars viz., “Swarna”, “Green Star”, “Ever Green”, “Desi palak” and “All Green” were tested against alternaria leaf spot. Cultivar “Swarna” showed minimum per cent disease index 22.53% followed by “Desi Palak” with 24.33% disease index under inoculated condition. Seven fungicides were tested for mycelial growth inhibition of Alternaria alternata in the laboratory. Among these tebuconazole 50% + trifloxystrobin 25% (75WG) was found most effective with complete inhibition (100%) of mycelial growth followed by tebuconazole 25.9% EC was found effective at all tested concentration against the pathogen while, among four bio-agents Trichoderma viride was found most effective with 70.00% growth inhibition. Similarly, out of five phyto- extracts tested in vitro against A. alternata, garlic clove extract was found most effective with 63.06%, 75.28%, and 81.94% at 5, 10 and 15 per cent concentration respectively. A field experiment was conducted by using promising treatments for integrated management of alternaria leaf spot of spinach on susceptible cultivar “All Green” on the basis of in vitro studies. Among different seven treatments “seed treatment with tebuconazole 50% + trifloxystrobin 25% (75WG) @0.1% + two foliar spray of garlic clove extract @10% + T. viride @ 2% having 2.5×106 showed maximum efficacy of disease control 81.09, 76.13, 76.77 at 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing respectively. This treatment also gave maximum spinach leafy yield 4.10, 4.35 and 4.57 kg per plot at Ist, IInd and IIIrd cuttings respectively
Jat S. and Bunker R. N.