Effect of moisture stress on anaerobic metabolism and seed filling in maize.

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Fifteen maize genotypes were screened for their tolerance towards flooding and drought stress. Various biochemical parameters (enzymes/metabolites) were studied in leaves and roots at two leaf seedling stage in selected maize genotypes after 72 h drought and flooding stress. Activities of ADH, ALDH, PDC, CAT, POX, HXK and SuSy increased in roots of tolerant genotypes after flooding stress, while drought stress increased the activity of POX and SuSy and ascorbic acid content in the leaves of tolerant genotypes. An 85 kDa protein was exclusively synthesized in roots of tolerant genotypes under flooding stress. Parkash and Paras cultivars were sown in the field and effect of water deficit conditions (rain-fed) was studied at 7, 21 and 28 days after silking. GR, CAT and APX activity and glutathione content decreased in the leaves while H2O2 content increased in leaves and grains of Paras (drought susceptible) under water deficit conditions. A short term flooding experiment (16 h) was conducted on Parkash and Paras cultivars in laboratory and field conditions and in general, an increase was observed in the enzymes of antioxidant and ethanolic fermentation system in roots of both the genotypes. Seeds of drought tolerant genotypes exhibited higher activity of APX, GR, acid invertase, SuSy and HXK and lower H2O2 content as compared to susceptible genotypes while, seeds of flooding tolerant genotypes exhibited higher GR and SuSy activity and lower phytic acid content as compared to susceptible ones. Twenty sequence specific primers pairs for stress related genes/mRNA present in maize and Arabidopsis genome were designed and DNA of 15 maize genotypes was amplified with them. DNA was amplified with only five primer pairs corresponding to SuSy mRNA, SuSy gene and ADH3 mRNA. These primers can be employed as potential markers for screening of flood tolerant genotypes. DNA amplification with RAPD markers revealed that genotype LM13 and LM14 are closely related with highest genetic similarity coefficient of 0.71, whereas, farthest related genotypes are JH3459 and LM6 with similarity coefficient of 0.40.