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ABSTRACT: Lymph nodes are the prime organs to carry out various defensive mechanisms. The lesions of lymph nodes are the reflections of lesions of the tissues they drain. The present work was undertaken to study the pathology of lymph nodes in sheep brought for slaughter, to overcome zoonotic threat and to enhance the quality of consumable, disease free and whole-some meat. In the present investigation 2266 lymph nodes of sheep were collected from various slaughter houses in and around Hyderabad. The regional lymph nodes like mesenteric, bronchial, mediastinal (anterior, middle and posterior) and prescapular were collected and examined for gross pathological changes. Only 247 (10.90%) lymph nodes were found to be abnormal. The tind~ngs ui this study revealed the incidence of various pathological changes in the mesenteric, bronchial, mediastinal and prescapular were 120 (12.90°/t), 37 (10.78%), 38 (10.16%) and 52 (8.38%) respectively. Among the different regional lymph nodes the lesion were more noted in mesenteric lymph nodes followed by bronchial lymph nodes. The incidence of enlarged and edematous lymph nodes was high, followed by haemorrhagic and lor hyperemic, parasitic lymphadenitis and pibmented lymph nodes. The gross changes like enlarged and edematous in 89 (36.03%) lymph nodes, hemorrhagic and /or hyperemic 62 (25.10%), probable parasitic mipation tracts 48 (1 9.43%). pigmentation 32 (1 2.95%). abscesses 12 (4.85%). atrophic 3 (1.2 1%) and one (0.40%) cystic lymph node were recorded. Microscopically, reactive hyperplasia in 54 (21.86%) cases, edematous 27 (10.93%), haernorrhagic 32 (12.95%), hyperemia 30 (12.14%), discrete eonsinophilic accumulations 48 (19.43%), melanosis 5 (2.02%). anthracosis 8 (3.23%), foreign debris accumulations 16 (6.47%), hemosiderosis 3 (1.21%), lymphoid depletion 4 (1.61%), abscesses 12 (4.85%), chronic lymphadenitis 1 (0.40%) granulomatous lymphadenitis 6 (2.43%) and fibroma 1 (0.40%) were observed. A total of 247 lymph node impression smears were examined for cytology. The kind of cells observed were plasma cells, mast cells, neutrophils, red blood cells, lymphoblasts, epithelioid cells, eosinophils, bipolars and acid -fast bacilli in 26, 20, 1 I, 18, 20, 1 1,23, 8 and 5 cases respectively. Out of 247 lymph nodes examined 56 cases showed positive for bacterial identification. Mycobacrerium sp. (5 cases), Pseudomonas sp. (l), Pasteurella sp. (a), E.coli (37) and Slaphylococcus aureus (5) were identified either by cultural isolation and by cytological smear examination. Based on the present investigation it can be concluded that - 1. The incidence of diseased sheep that are brought for slaughter is around 11%. This indicates that moore vigilence is required during ante - mortem examination. 2. The more changes in the mesenteric lymph nodes in the study indicates that the spread of infections through oral route is more than respiratory route. 3. The microscopical examination revealed presence of various pigments and granulomas. 4. The cytological examination of smears revealed the incidence of M~~c~obacteriuSmp. which is of zoonotic importance and other important diseases like Pasteurellosis and parasitic infestations. Thus the results of present study highlighted the importance of study of lymph node pathology in sheep, further studies with respect to imnunological and molecular aspects are the areas of thrust, can be undenlken in future to determine the causes.