Weed management in winter maize (Zea mays L.) based intercropping systems

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Rajendra Agricultural University
A field experiment was carried out during the two consecutive winter seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Bihar Agricultural College farm, Sabour then under the Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar to explore intercropping based weed management in winter maize (Zea mays L.) based intercropping system. The experiment was conducted in split plot design replicated thrice with five cropping systems (sole maize, sole potato, sole rajmash , maize + potato in 1:1 ratio, and maize + rajmash in 1:2 ratio) were put in the main plot. While five weed management practices (weedy check, two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS, alachlor @2.0 kg ai ha-1as pre- emergence, oxyfluorfen @ 0.25 kg ai ha-1as pre- emergence and pendimethaline @ 1.0 kg ai ha-1as pre- emergence + one hand weeding at 30 DAS ) were placed in the sub plots. Shaktiman-3, Kufri ashoka and PDR- 14 were the test varieties of maize, potato and rajmash, respectively. The plant population of the sole crops were kept the same in intercropping also. The intercrops were given half the dose of NPK given in their pure stands. Irrespective of weed management practices employed, the sole crops of maize, potato and rajmash exhibited better expressions in terms of their growth parameters, yield attributes and yield in their pure stands than those recorded from their mixed stands. Likewise, regardless of the cropping systems adopted, two hand weeding surpassed all other weed management practices in terms of growth and yield characters as well as the ultimate yield. Amongst, the herbicidal treatments pendimethalin + one hand weeding gave better performance wherever maize was their either as a sole crop or mixed crop (maize + potato and maize + rajmash). Alachlor proved to be superior to its rest of the herbicidal treatments so far as growth and yield of potato and rajmash were concerned. Maize + potato intercropping system proved to be the most economical in terms of net return followed by maize + rajmash intercropping system. Amongst the three sole crops, maize was the most remunerative followed by potato and rajmash in descending order. B:C ratio, however, were the highest under sole maize followed by maize + potato and maize + rajmash intercropping systems. It is pertinent to make a mention here that sole potato too had very good net return and B:C ratio if two hand weedings were given to the plots. The soil properties studied in terms of pH, organic carbon and available NPK did not show significant variation as a result of treatment effects. The NPK uptakes were a direct reflection of the yield constituents as their concentrations in grain and straw did not differ significantly. There had not been much difference between the two intercropping systems in regard to LER and other competitive characters. Weed infestation and weed dry matter were the least, where ever rajmash was there either as a sole crop or a intercrop. Weed infestation was the least with two hand weedings. Pendimethalin @1.0 kg ai ha-1 pre-emergence + one hand weeding in maize and alachlor @2.0 kg ai ha-1 pre-emergence in potato and rajmash were instrumental in reduction of weed infestation (number as well as dry matter). Based on the result obtained it may be concluded that the performance of Maize + potato getting two hand weeding is more remunerative than any other propositions. Maize + rajmash is next in order. Sole potato is also remunerative but only under weed free amplitudes. It may be adopted maize + potato intercropping system giving two hand weeding. Pre-emergence application of pendimethalin @1.0 kg ai ha-1 pre-emergence followed by one hand weeding at 30 DAS may be a replacement to two hand weedings. Apply pre-emergence alachlor @ 2.0 kg ai ha-1 for control of weeds in pure crops of potato and rajmash as a substitute to two hand weedings
Maize, Weed control, Intercropping