Genetic Variability, Correlation And Path Analysis in Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana Gaertn.)

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn) is one of the important small millet which is well adapted to diverse agro- climate conditions. At present it is grown in about 2 million hectares with annual production of about 2.6 million tones and productivity of approximately 1300 Kg/ha. In India , it is extensively cultivated in Karnatake, Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu, Maharastra, Orissa Jharkhand , Uttaranchal and Chharisgrah. In Jharkhand the crop is grown in around lakh hectare with an annual production of about 3 Lakh tones. The low productivity of this region is primarily due to lack of high yielding varieties and poor management . To give a new philip to the production and break the yield barrier of this crop, the plant breeders have to think of newer and better methods and technique of production. In this quest attention has to be focused not only on yield but also on yield contributing components. The selection of an efficient breeding produce for complex character like ,seed yield depends not only on the extent of genetic variability and heritability but also on the association of seed yield with other component characters. With the above objective in mind, the present project was undertaken with thirtysix genotypes of finger millet. The crop was sown during kharif 2001, in RBD with three replications following the recommended agronomic practices. The analysis of variance revealed significant difference for all the character except grain yield per panicle.Days to 50 % flowering plant height days to maturity and panicle length showed wide range of variability. The characters like days to 50 % flowering plant height panicle length days to maturity and grain yield per plant recorded high phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation. Effective tillers per plant, total tillers per plant and grain yield per panicle also recorded high phenotypic coefficient of variation. High heritability was observed for the character days to 50 % flowing plant height panicle length number of finger per panicle and days to maturity. Moderate value of heritability was observed for effective tillers per plant total tillers per plant; 1000 grain weight harvest index and grain yield per plant. These characters also had high or moderate value of genetic advance as percent of mean. Correlation analysis revealed that grain yield per plant and days to maturity .There was however negative correlation between 1000 grain weight grain yield per panicle and grain yield per plant. Path coefficient analylsis revealed that effective tillers per plant days to maturity 1000 grain weight and hervest index had direct influence on grain yield while days to 50% flowering plant height panicle length number of finger per panicle, total tillers per plant and grain yield per panicle contributed indirectly to the grain yield. The results obtained in the present investigation indicated that days to 50 % flowering plant height , day to maturity panicle length and effective tillers per plant were yield contributing characters in finger millet and may be beneficial for selection.