Molecular characterization of black gram and validation of markers for cold tolerance

dc.contributor.advisorRou, G. R.
dc.contributor.authorNayak, Sandeep
dc.description.abstractPulses are considered as important source of minerals, micro & macro nutrients as well as health promoting secondary metabolites and considered poor man's source of protein. Black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper is an important legume crop in India. India is the primary black gram producer and contributes to about 70 per cent of the world pulses production. This crop rank first in area 31 lakh hectare and production of 14 lakh tonnes and with average yield of 451.61 kg per ha.The production and productivity of black gram is severely affected by number of biotic and abiotic stresses. Low temperature is one of the major environmental factors for rabi season crop grown in Odisha that limit the plant growth. Low temperature in growing season may reduce germination, retard vegetative growth by inducing metabolic imbalance and or can delay/prevent productive development. Each plant species has an optimum range of temperature for its normal growth and development. It varies among the genotypes within species; the specific temperature also depends on growth state and development of particular genotypes. Abiotic stress (Drought, Salinity and Cold stress) is the primary cause of crop loss reducing average yield by more than 20%. So far, no high yielding cultivar has been developed that can withstand cold stress in Black gram. The traditional strategies of conventional breeding such as selection, crossing and back cross, multiple cross have generated very few crop varieties with improved stress tolerance. Much improvement could not be achieved through these techniques because of narrow genetic base of agronomically important gene responsible for abiotic stress tolerances and limited natural variation. Contrary to the classical breeding and marker assisted selection approaches, direct introduction of gene by genetic engineering offers a more promising and quick solution for improving stress tolerance. Low temperature seriously affects the crop causing loss in production and productivity in northern and eastern parts in India. Genetic improvement of black gram to induce abiotic stress tolerance could be achieved through expression of abiotic stress responsive gene. This under- taken work to characterise the genotype on molecular basis in order to validate the primers associated with cold stress is very much important. For this purpose 25genotypes are taken in to consideration for phenotypic analysis as well as genotypic analysis. Phenotypic analysis showed that „Puri loca‟l, „Pendibadi local‟, „Soroda local‟ are of late flowering, where as „ Bargarh local‟, „Tigiria local‟, „Bhanjanagar local” are of medium flowering and rest genotypes are of early varaity.Bargarh local has the highest plant height and “Keonjhar local‟, „Mahulabhata local‟ , „Kentapada local‟ genotypes have more pod length. Number of cluster is highest in “Puri local”. Seed shape is of oval in „Mahana local, „Kalahandi local‟, „Pendibadi local‟. The highest seed weight was observed in “Puri local‟. This analysis is followed by genotypic study validating with 13 cold tolerance gene specific markers. The results indicated that the marker BMD 46, BMD -35, and BMD -48 showed the monomorphic band in some of the genotypes ranged from 100 to 200 bp. Other primers did not indicate any positive result towards cold tolerance. The experiment needs further to be investigated to achieve the resistant genotype tolerant to cold for breeding program.en_US
dc.keywordsMolecular characterization, black gram, cold toleranceen_US
dc.publisherOrissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswaren_US
dc.subAgricultural Biochemistryen_US
dc.themeMolecular characterization and validationen_US
dc.titleMolecular characterization of black gram and validation of markers for cold toleranceen_US
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Molecular characterization of black gram and validation of markers for cold tolerance
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