Studies on variabilities and propagation techniques of Toona ciliata M. Roem under Punjab conditions

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Toona ciliata is an important timber yielding and agroforestry tree species, occurs extensively on farmlands throughout India. With the objective to determine extent and nature of variations in seed and seedling growth traits, thirty six phenotypically superior genotypes were identified from twelve different locations across Punjab and Himachal Pradesh following the baseline method. The tree characteristics used were tree height, clear bole height and girth with the mean of 13.20 m, 3.79 m and 94.54 cm respectively. Seed sources viz., S1 (Talwara), S2 (Kamahi Devi) and S6 (Chabutra) exhibited higher values for tree characteristics. Seeds were collected from each plus tree and progenies were raised and evaluated for growth and biomass traits under nursery conditions, department of Forestry & Natural Resources, PAU, Ludhiana. Considerable variations were observed in seed length (1.20-1.56 cm), 100 seed weight (704.63-846.62 mg), germination percent (27.00 -67.25 %), survival percent (62.50-87.97 %), seedling height (8.69-28.65 cm), number of leaves (27.4266.25), dry shoot weight (0.99-1.93 g) and dry root weight (0.58-1.67 g) among seed sources. Progenies obtained from seed sources S1 (Talwara), S2 (Kamahi Devi), and S3 (Ludhiana) exhibited outstanding performance for growth and biomass traits. Simple correlation coefficient among seed traits, germination behaviour, growth and biomass traits of progenies was also estimated. The correlation matrix revealed that highly significant and positive correlation exists between seed weight and germination percent, germination percent and survival percent, seedling height and collar diameter, seedling height and dry shoot weight, therefore improvement in one trait is bound to make positive response in the correlated trait. The higher estimates of genotypic coefficient of variability, phenotypic coefficient of variability and heritability (broad sense) were found for seed traits suggesting additive gene control in the inheritance of these traits. The genotypes G1 and G7 were outstanding in respect of most of the growth and biomass traits and can be used as the genetic stock for the production of quality planting material on large scale for afforestation and reforestation programmes. Results suggest that T3 (cold water treatment for 48 hrs) and T5 (hot water treatment for 48 hrs) are effective treatments to break the seed dormancy and enhance the seed germination in this species.