Effect of soil fertility and fertilizer recommendations on performance of oats (Avena sativa L.) varieties

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil fertility and fertilizer recommendations on performance of oats (Avena sativaL.) vatieties during Rabi 2014-15 in a Aquic hapludoll at D7 block of Norman E. Borlogue Crop Research Centre of The G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (290 N latitude and 79029’ E longitude). The experiment was conducted in two phases , i.e. creation of fertility levels by applying graded doses of N, P and K and growing exhaust crop in the preceding crop season (Kharif 2014). In the second phase (Rabi 2014-15), main experiment was conducted in split split plot design. Taking three fertility levels i.e. low, medium and high in main plot. Three variety of oats i.e. kent, UPO 94 and UPO 212 in sub plot and three methods of fertilizer recommendations, i.e. GRD, STCR and STCR with INM in sub sub plot. Performance of oats was adjudged on the basis of growth parameter i.e. dry matter accumulation and height of the plant, yield parameter i.e. green forage and dry matter yield at 50% flowering stage by different varieties. Nutrient content, nutrient uptake and nutrient requirement to produce one quintal of green forage. The quality parameter in terms of protein content at 50% flowering stage. Soil sample were analyzed after harvest of crop for available N,P and K for working out effects of different soil fertility, variety and fertilizer recommendation approach on status of available nutrients. Soil analysis and yield data of exhaust crop sorghum indicate that fertility level in the experimental plot has been created. Green forage yield, dry matter yield, nutrient uptake , nutrient requirement and dry matter accumulation was highest in UPO 94 whereas nutrient content, plant height and protein content was maximum in variety UPO 212. Both the variety performed better in highest fertility level with STCR approaches. In post harvest soil samples significantly increase in organic carbon and available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium found at highest fertility levels. Therefore, screening of variety for different fertility levels is essential for maximum yield potential and sustaining soil for crop yield , quality and soil health for the future