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Most of the innovations created by National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) concerning livestock sector had not reached the farmers field. Perception of researchers and farmers on the appropriateness and usability of livestock innovations vary significantly. Existence of research gap in understanding the role of attributes and limited validation of innovations in farmer field may be the reasons for poor uptake of innovations. Hence, variables related to innovation attributes, economic climate, structural constraints and technology suitability need to be included into the model to increase the predictability of adoption behaviour Ex-post facto research design was adopted for this study. A total of six TANUVAS innovations namely TANUVAS SMART mineral mixture, progesterone impregnated vaginal sponge, ethno veterinary practice for mastitis, Namakkal quail–1, Nandanam chicken-4 and TANUVAS KPM Gold pig were selected. Sampling frame was developed by consulting with the possible stakeholders of the innovations. From the sampling frame, 50 respondents were randomly selected for each innovation. Thus, a total of 300 respondents (50 farmers X 6 innovations) were selected as sample for the present study. Respondents were aware about TANUVAS SMART mineral mixture through veterinary officers (100%) and friends & relatives (100%). More than three-fourth (78%) of the respondents discontinued the adoption of the TANUVAS SMART mineral mixture. Majority of the respondents perceived that the TANUVAS SMART mineral mixture is relatively cheaper (100%), culturally acceptable (100%), cognitively easy (100%), adoptable (100%), relationally independent (70%), trialable (64%) and situationally feasible (58%). However, respondents perceived the technology as scarcely resourceful (100%), labour consuming (100%) time consuming (90%), not observable (84%), meagerly profitable (82%) and lacking multiple use potential (76%). Half of the respondents (50%) had low level of adoption behaviour. Partial budgeting analysis revealed that the net income of the respondents increased was by Rs. 2,217/- per dairy animal per lactation due to the adoption of TANUVAS SMART mineral mixture.