Long term effect of integrated nutrient management on Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu fractions in soils

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In India, Rice (Oryza Sativa L.), wheat (Triticum astivum L.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides)-wheat (Triticum astivum L.) cropping systems are dominant cropping systems across the Indo-gangetic plains and pearl millet-wheat in arid and semiarid area. An Ongoing long term experiments under rice-wheat and pearl millet-wheat cropping were selected to investigate the effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on the sustainability of rice-wheat and pearl millet-wheat system. Application of fertilizers along with organic manures produced significantly higher grain yield of crops compared to application of fertilizer alone. The grain yield of rice and wheat decreased significantly with time in control and with imbalanced application of N, P and K fertilizers in rice-wheat cropping system. Application of organic manure alone resulted in poor yield of pearl millet and wheat crops. However, a significant increase in yield was obtained when organic manures were applied in conjunction with recommended dose of N for these crops and that was comparable with recommended dose of applied NP alone or NP applied in combination with organic manures in pearl millet-wheat cropping system. Imbalanced application of nutrients resulted in significantly lower uptake of macronutrients and micronutrients by rice crop as compared to balanced application of nutrients. Application of inorganic fertilizers along with organic manures significantly increased the uptake of macro and micronutrients by rice crop as compared to inorganic fertilizer alone treatment. The residual effect of organic manures treatments on macro and micronutrients uptake by succeeding wheat crop was found to be significant in rice-wheat cropping system. Among organic manures, highest N, P and K uptake was observed in pressmud followed by poultry manure and FYM. The lowest Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe uptake was reported where organic manures were applied alone. However, a significant increase in uptake was observed with combined application of organic manures along with N or NP fertilizers in pearl millet-wheat cropping system. The continuous pearl millet- wheat and rice-wheat cropping for sixteen years did not affect the content of various fractions of micronutrients in control over their initial status. Organic amendments viz., FYM, PM, GM, BRH and poultry manure moved micronutrient cations from least available fractions to more available fractions. Residual fraction accounted for more than 50% of the total content of each micronutrient in both the cropping system. The micronutrient cations content of soil increased up to 60 days in all the treatments except the no-organic manures plot where increase was very small. After 60 days of manures application, the micronutrients content decreased in all the plots received organic manures alone or with fertilizers. Keywords: long-term, pearl millet-wheat, rice-wheat, organic manures, micronutrients fractions.
Organic fertilizers, Fertilizers, Farmyard manure, Crops, Fractionation, Wheats, Crop residues, Rice, Grain, Yields