Production potential and economic viability of bed planted chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) based intercropping systems

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
Present study entitled “Production potential and economic viability of bed planted chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) based intercropping systems” was carried out at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, during 2017-18 and 2018-19. The soil of the experimental field was loamy sand in texture, normal in pH and electrical conductivity, low in organic carbon and available N, high in available P and medium in available K. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design consisting of thirteen treatments with four replications. Results showed that intercropping systems did not significantly influence the plant height but DMA, LAI, chlorophyll index and PAR interception in chickpea was significantly reduced with different intercropping systems. Sole chickpea recorded highest seed yield and it was statistically at par with chickpea + oats fodder (2:1), chickpea + oats fodder (4:1) and chickpea + linseed (4:1) intercropping systems. Growing of oats fodder with chickpea showed more compatibility and there was no competition and adverse effect of oats fodder on chickpea. Among various intercropping systems, chickpea + oats fodder (2:1) was found to be best intercropping system as it produced 21% higher chickpea equivalent yield, 23.7% higher land equivalent ratio and gave 27% higher net returns in comparison to sole chickpea. Chickpea + oats fodder (4:1) was found to be the second best intercropping system followed by chickpea + linseed (2:1). Growth, yield attributes and yield of chickpea were significantly reduced under chickpea + oilseed rape and chickpea + barley intercropping systems, thus resulted in lower chickpea equivalent yield, net returns and benefit cost ratio.