Effectiveness of vocational trainings for farm women conducted BY Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jeolikote, Uttarakhand

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
India is among the most rapidly growing economy in the world today. Women participation in development is also not free from gender dimensions. In the process of development, gender bias takes the form of alienation of women from the mainstream. This provides meager or no benefits to their efforts in terms of return or recognition. Rural women constitute major proportion of total Indian population. They play significant and crucial role in agriculture and allied fields. Farm women in India show abundant responsibilities and perform a wide spectrum of duties even then they suffer from being both economically and socially invisible. Looking into the problem and prospects of farm women and giving prime attention to their needs. Government had initiated several schemes for improving and alleviating status of women by making them self dependent with effective training programmes. Training is one of the commonly used method to improve the knowledge and skill of the trainees. It can successfully bring about certain changes in the outlook and attitude of farmwomen and thereby making them economically and psychologically independent. Various organization and institutes have taken the responsibility to train rural women in different sectors. Krishi Vigyan Kendras which are working at grassroot level to empower the women in agriculture and allied fields by imparting training in different areas. KVK, Jeolikote had played significant role in improving the conditions of hill women. The study was conducted in Nainital district. A total sample size of 90 respondents was selected i.e 45 beneficiaries and 45 non beneficiaries through purposive sampling and proportional allocation method respectively from Bhimtal block representing two villages. The interview schedule was used for the study. Data on socio- personal, psychological and communication variables were collected. Difference between women empowerment of beneficiaries and non beneficiaries was determined. Association with selected variables was calculated by using ‘chi square’ test. The opinions from the beneficiaries regarding the vocational trainings conducted under KVK were studied. ‘Z’ test was used to see the effectiveness of vocational trainings through KVK on empowerment. Descriptive research design was used for the study. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents in both the groups belonged to middle aged group, had education up to high school in both beneficiaries and non beneficiaries i.e (51.11%) and (53.33%) respectively. About three fourth (73.33%) of beneficiaries and (88.88%) of non beneficiaries had small size of land holding, with low annual income level i.e. (71.11%) and (44.44%) of the non beneficiaries and beneficiaries respectively. Majority of the beneficiaries (51%) attended more than two trainings. Most of the beneficiaries (46.67%) started making decorative candles as venture, with high income level generated by (46.66%) of the beneficiaries after starting the venture. Majority of the beneficiaries (67%) purchased their raw material from Haldwani market, and most of the beneficiaries (40%) sold their products in local market. Results revealed that, majority of the beneficiaries (73.33%) and only (6.66%) of non beneficiaries had high level of risk orientation, with maximum number of non beneficiaries (77.77%) among low level of scientific orientation. Majority of respondents in both the groups were found to be in medium level of achievement motivation. Regarding the women empowerment all most equal number of respondents in both the categories had medium level of empowerment i.e (24.44%) of beneficiaries and (28.88%) of non beneficiaries. Significant differences was found between beneficiaries and non beneficiaries in case of high level of empowerment i.e. (75%) of the beneficiaries had high level of empowerment where as only (15.55%) of non beneficiaries were having high level of empowerment. Empowerment had significant association with selected independent variables such as scientific orientation, and risk orientation at 5 % level of significance. On the other hand independent variables like age, education, total family income, total land holding, information seeking behaviour and achievement motivation had no significant association with empowerment further the difference between the beneficiaries and non beneficiaries in terms of empowerment were found significant at 1 % level of significance. The opinions of beneficiaries regarding training revealed that majority of beneficiaries preferred village as suitable venue for training, during slack season and mostly of three days duration, with group less than 25 trainees. Majority of respondents (64.44%) preferred demonstration as a method for training and chart as audio visual aids. The findings of the study will be useful to the KVKs, planners, trainers, extension personnel’s who are directly or indirectly engaged in development of farm women. This will enable them to form strategy in helping the farm women to learn more need based skills for their all round development.