Clinico-Biochemical And Therapeutic Studies Associated With Gastroenteritis In Dogs

dc.contributor.advisorKirti Dua
dc.contributor.authorMalvinder Kaur Sidhu
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted Dn the clinical cases of haemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs presented at PAU Small Animal Clinics. The unvaccinated dogs of all breeds were susceptible but maximum were of Spitz breed. The pups of 2-4 months were most susceptible to gastroenteritis. Although no specific reason is known but the susceptibility of the male dogs was more than the females. Anorexia, depression, vomition (watery to blood stained) and bloody diarrhoea were the initial signs which lead to dehydration, increased total proteins and packed cell volume. The other clinical signs were fever increased heart rate and pulse rate. The dogs showing symptoms of gastroenteritis were anemic and exhibited hyponatremia, hypokalemia and hypochloremia. Following the treatment the status of plasma sodium, potassium and chloride improved. Therapy trials were conducted in dogs suffering from haemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Oral feeding and medication was avoided. Vigorous fluid and electrolyte therapy along with antiemetic was administered. To check the secondary bacterial infection a third generation cephalosporin i.e. cefotaxime was given @ 10 mg/kg b.wt. IM (repeated at 12 hour interval) and the disposition kinetics was studied. The plasma concentration of cefotaxime in healthy animals of control group was in the range of 0.38-0.75 ?g/ml and in affected animals blood concentration of cefotaxime was less than 0.84 ?g/ml. The decreased level of blood concentration of cefotaxime observed in present study could be due to rapid excretion of drug owing to continuous fluid therapy. Hepatocellular injury as indicated by increased plasma level of SGPT and ALP also might have altered the disposition of cefotaxime as its metabolized in liver. In group III of affected animals lignocaine @ 50 ?g/kg/min in continuous infusion was tried as analgesic as the therapeutic effect of it is replacement of strong stimuli by regenerative and reparative one. In group IV of affected animals metronidazole was administered @ 7.5 mg/kg IV in order to check anaerobes. There was hundred per Cent recovery in all the groups of affected animals which suggests MIC of cefotaxime was maintained. However, the quickest recovery was observed in animals of group III
dc.publisherGuru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana
dc.subVeterinary Medicine
dc.titleClinico-Biochemical And Therapeutic Studies Associated With Gastroenteritis In Dogs
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