Management of lodging and yield maximization using nutrient expert in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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A field experiment was conducted at research farm of CCS HAU, Hisar (29°10' N latitude and 75° 46' E longitude at an elevation of 215.2 m MSL) during Rabi 2016-17. The soil of experimental field was sandy loam in texture, slightly alkaline in reaction (8.2), low in available nitrogen (180 kg/ha), medium in available P (14 kg/ha) and high in available K (375 kg/ha). The experiment comprised of 12 treatment [T1: Control (without fertilizer), T2: RDF (150 kg N : 60 kg P2O5 : 60 kg K2O : 25 kg ZnSO4/ha), T3: 225 kg N : 74 kg P2O5 : 60 kg K2O : 25 kg ZnSO4/ha – Targeted yield 7 t/ha, T4: 275 kg N : 74 kg P2O5 : 60 kg K2O : 25 kg ZnSO4/ha – Targeted yield 8t/ha, Treatment T5, T6, T7 and T8 were having same fertilizers dose as T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively along with two sprays of 0.2% CCC at 45 and 80 DAS. Similarly T9, T10, T11, and T12 were having same fertilizers dose as T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively along with cross sowing in field. The experiment was conducted in random block design with three replications. Wheat variety HD2967 was cultivated with recommended package and practices except treatment to be tested. The growth of the crop plants in terms of plant height, dry matter accumulation, CGR, LAI and LAD increased with increase in fertilizer dose from T1 to T4, T5 to T8 and T9 to T12. All the growth parameters increased significantly under different doses of fertilizer application over control. The three levels of fertilizer did not differ significantly in any of growth parameters. The same trend was observed in treatments with 0.2% CCC spray and cross sowing. However, the CCC sprayed plants have significantly lower final plant height than corresponding fertilizer doses alone and under cross sowing treatments. The lodging score and lodging index increased with increase in fertilizer dose alone as well as under cross sowing treatments. But 0.2% CCC spray at 45 and 80 DAS completely controlled the lodging. The grain yield (6902 kg/ha), biological yield (15620 kg/ha) and HI (44.2%) were highest with highest dose of fertilizers with CCC spray. It was closely followed by 225 N, 74 P205, 60 K20, 25 ZnSO4 (kg/ha) + CCC (T7) and RDF + CCC (T6). The highest yield in T8 was because of highest no. of grains per spike (52.7) and highest test weight (42.87g). The highest dose of fertilizer alone (T4) and with cross sowing (T12) have significantly lower yield than in T8 due to lodging. The grain, straw and biological yield decreases with nonsignificant difference under higher doses over recommended dose of fertilizer with cross-sowing. The economics of different treatment shows that the highest net return were recorded in T8 (Rs.78045/ha) closely followed by T10 (Rs.78045/ha) although B:C ratio (2.32) was highest in T10 followed by T2 (2.30). The nutrient expert model did not simulate the grain yield of wheat under field conditions of Hisar as the crop yield increase slightly to higher doses with non-significant difference over RDF. Lodging in wheat can be controlled successfully with two sprays of 0.2% CCC at 45 and 80 DAS.