Molecular charecterization of taro bacilliform virus (TaBV)

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Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani
Taro is one of the world’s oldest food crop maintained by farmers for millennia and it has continued to spread throughout the world, as an important crop in Asia, Pacific, Africa and the Caribbean. Viral pathogens are one of the important factors threatening production of this vegetatively propogated crop. Taro viruses are poorly characterized, which is a hindrance to the safe movement of germplasm. The overall aim of this study was to detect the Taro bacilliform virus infecting taro and to characterize the virus at molecular level. Serological detection methods were not employed for the detection of TaBV. Molecular analysis with specific primers (TaBV like sequences) identified a new member among the badnavirus, Taro bacilliform CH virus, which was not previously detected in India. During the study 55 samples from different fields of CTCRI are selected to identify the different symptoms of Taro bacilliform virus infection. The symptoms and occurrence of TaBCHV is still not clear eventhough the samples shows different type of infections with infections in non-symptomatic ones also. Molecular analysis with badnavirus specific primers and further confirmation with PNG BadnaF/PNG Badna R reveals the presence of Taro bacilliform CH virus. It reveals that the RT/RNase H region was highly similar for Taro bacilliform and Taro bacilliform CH virus with <80 % similarity. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis confirms the sequences were more closely related to TaBCHV and exhibited 100 % similarity to TaBCHV isolates TaBCHV-1 and TaBCHV-2. From the Seven pair of primers were specifically designed inorder to characterize the whole genome of Taro bacilliform CH virus three pair of primers were used to successfully characterize the virus partially. To identify the phylogenetic relationship of the sequenced samples with that of available accessions, dendrograms were made using MEGA 5.0 software and the tree showed that sequences has variability eventhough lies within the group. It s clear from the study that the genome sizes of TaBCHV isolates, TaBCHV-1 and TaBCHV- 2 (Gen Bank Accession Nos: KP710178 and KP710177) were 7,641 bp, and it was within the badnavirus genomic range. The two islates almost shared about 98% genomic nucleotide identity. With other reported badnaviruses the genome sequence of TaBCHV-1 and TaBCHV-2 showed similarity to RYNV (44.1 %) and Fig Badnavirus (55.8 %)