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ABSTRACT : The present experiment was aimed to study the toxico-pathological effects of imidacloprid in male rats. Total of 48 male Sprague dawley rats were procured and divided into four groups consisting of 12 in each. The group 1 served as control, group 2 (imidacloprid toxic control at the rate of 80 mg/kg b. wt /day), group 3 was provided with vitamin C at the rate of 10 mg/kg b. wt/day, group 4 was fed with both imidacloprid at the rate of 80 mg/kg b. wt /day and vitamin C at the rate of 10 mg/kg b. wt/day. This experiment was carried out for 4 weeks. Average body weight gains were recorded at weekly intervals. A day before sacrifice the blood and serum samples were collected from six rats in each group. Tissue samples of liver, kidney, testes, brain were collected from six rats in each group on the day of sacrifice i.e. on 14th and 28th day for histological and ultrastructural studies. Liver and kidney tissues were also collected and stored at -200C for estimation of GSH. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in body weight gains was recorded in group 2. Haematological observations revealed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in TEC, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC except TLC in group 2. The biochemical assays showed a significant (P < 0.05) increase in serum creatinine, ALT and AST, and decrease in total protein in group 2. The tissue biochemical profile revealed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in GSH concentration in liver and kidney in group 2. A mild to moderate improvement in all the parameters were observed in group 4 in comparison with group 2 throughout experimental period. Grossly group 2 animals revealed atrophied kidney, abscess and congestion of liver whereas group 4 animals revealed only congestion of liver. Histopathologically, group 2 sections of kidney revealed cystic dilatation of tubules, shrunken glomeruli, vacuolation, presence of haemorrhages and cystic spaces in between tubules. Liver sections showed marked dilation, congestion of central vein, portal vein and sinusoidal spaces. A notable observation was made in hepatocytes like vacuolation/ fatty change and degeneration. Testes revealed vacuolation of semniferous tubules, detachment of germinal cells from basement membrane, increased interstitial spaces, disrupted basement membrane, presence of few leydig cells, severe congestion in interstitial spaces and tunica albuginea. Sections of brain tissue revealed degeneration of purkinje cells, shrunken neurons, vacuolation around neurons, chromatolysis, matrix vacuolation and marked congestion. Group 4 kidney sections showed mild peri glomerular congestion, moderate inter tubular haemorrhages and liver revealed moderate congestion, dilatation of central vein and portal vein and degeneration of hepatocytes. Testes revealed only mild degenerative changes in semniferous tubules whereas brain tissues showed mild congestion and degeneration of purkinje cells. Ultrastructurally, group 2 kidney has evidenced degeneration of tubular epithelium with loose inter cellular junctions, disrupted nucleus, margination of chromatin material (apoptosis), varied size and shape of mitochondria and vacuoles in cytoplasm. Liver section showed swollen nuclei, mitochondrial changes (varied size and shape), disrupted chromatin and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Ultra thin sections of testes showed swollen nuclei, increased perinuclear space, varied size and shape of mitochondria, complete disintegrated chromatin material and degeneration of spermatids. Brain section revealed disruption, margination of chromatin material (apoptotic nuclei) and vacuolar mitochondria. In group 4 animals kidney section revealed dilated inter tubular area, apoptotic nuclei and varied size and shape of mitochondria. Liver section showed swollen nuclei of hepatocytes. Testes section revealed margination of chromatin material, varied size and shape of mitochondria and degeneration of spermatids. Brain section revealed degeneration of neurons. The present study indicated that imidacloprid is a potential toxic agent that induced toxicity at varied levels and resulted in pathological changes in respective target organs viz., in testes, brain, liver and kidney. These changes were well supported by haemotological, serum and tissue biochemical alterations and ultrastructural changes. Vitamin C supplementation provided protective action and moderate improvement in all the above parameters.