Development of Smart Packaging Indicator for Real Time Monitoring Freshness of Paneer

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MAFSU, Nagpur
Precise improvements are imperative for real-time monitoring tools dedicated to evaluate the quality of paneer throughout the supply chain. In accordance with this objective, both natural and chemical-based indicator sensors were developed which operates by detecting essential volatile metabolites emanating from stored paneer. Specifically, it has been designed to undergo a color change when it reacts with basic volatiles released from paneer during storage under refrigerated as well as under ambient temperature. Their responses were studied in simulated reactive model system and during the storage period of paneer at both refrigerated and ambient temperatures. In the simulated reactive model system, the indicator was attached to the inner side of the lid of glass bottles. Ammonia equivalent to that produced in paneer during storage was poured into the bottles, and then sealed with caps maintaining an environment with ammonia. Both indicator sensors natural as well as chemical changed their colour when in contact with ammonia. In the experimental setup, the paneer samples were packaged in polystyrene foam trays and sealed with polypropylene film. The indicator sensor was affixed to the inner side of the film, and any alterations in its color were observed and compared with the quality changes occurring in the paneer during refrigerated as well as ambient storage. Throughout the storage period under refrigerated and ambient condition, the change in color by indicator sensor exhibited a strong correlation with various physicochemical, sensory, and microbial parameters of paneer. Notably, a positive correlation was observed between the levels of ammonia, Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen, (TVBN) and microbial parameters. It was observed that values for ammonia, TVBN, tyrosine, TPC (Total Plate Count), psychrophilic and Pseudomonas count were increased significantly (p<0.05) during the storage period. The sensors demonstrated robust responsiveness to the conditions of refrigerated storage as well as ambient condition, and the observed color changes closely mirrored the quality changes experienced by the paneer during this storage period. Thus the study presents a promising approach to enhancing the monitoring and maintenance of paneer quality within the supply chain. The study concluded that the developed indictor sensor could be used as an effective tool to monitor real time freshness of paneer in conjunction with “use by date”.