Participatory video based message designing on mushroom cultivation in Chhatarpur village of Udham Singh Nagar

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
The attribute ‘participatory’ with video refers to the idea that people should not only be receivers but also the active producers of the messages. This has to be seen in contrast to mass media like television or newspapers where people are normally only receivers of messages. According to Shaw and Robertson (1997) participatory video can be a powerful aid in the cultivation and realization of people’s abilities and potential. It is a group based activity that revolves around the needs of the participants. Video is used to develop their confidence and selfesteem, to encourage them to express themselves creatively, to develop critical awareness and to provide a means for them to communicate with others. Through a pilot study, the researcher found that many trainees who adopted mushroom production as a venture after the completion of training program revealed lack of information’s on various aspect of mushroom cultivation practice. The reason that we have decided to work on this research problem is that, participatory video methodology has been utilized for empowering communities through several cases. Thus, keeping above in view, the present study was taken up with the following objectives: 1. To study the socio-economic, psychological and communication characteristics of mushroom growers. 2. To assess the information needs of mushroom growers. 3. To design and develop the participatory video. The study was conducted in Chhatarpur village of Udham Singh Nagar district. Descriptive research design was used for the study. 50 respondents were selected, fifteen of whom had been trained through participatory video and were purposively selected from an existing list of mushroom growers and the others were selected randomly. And their profile (Age, caste, education, family type, social participation, land holding, occupation, family income, achievement motivation, scientific orientation, mass media ownership, mass media exposure and information seeking behaviour) were studied. Their information needs were gathered and prioritized and based on their needs, participatory video was designed through participatory approach. The effectiveness of participatory was measured by taking opinion of respondents through interview schedule and personal interview. After analyzing the socio-economic communication and psychological characteristics, it was found that the majority of the respondents belonged to middle age group (56.00%), schedule caste (50.00%), educational qualification upto intermediate (34.00%) and were belonged to joint family (50.00%). The results revealed that majority of the respondents had low social participation (74.00%), small land holding (48.00%), other than mushroom cultivation as their major occupation (70%), medium family income (76%), medium level of achievement motivation (52.00%), medium level of scientific orientation (60.00%), high level of mass media exposure (68.00%) and medium level of information seeking behaviour (50.00%). Effectiveness of video was measured through participatory evaluation with respondents. Data was gathered through questionnaire and personal interview. Participatory video was screened to the mushroom growers at a common place in the village. A questionnaire was to seek the reaction of the mushroom growers on video dimension include content characteristics and technical quality. The major findings are: majority of the respondents regarding the quality of the video found title (70.00%), caption (50.00%), captions color (66.00%), graphics and visuals (60.00%) highly satisfactory and caption duration (76.00%), presentation of material (80.00%), video attraction (84%) satisfactory. Majority of the respondent regarding the quality of audio found audio clarity (52.00%), a mix of sound and scene (54.00%) satisfactory. Reactions of respondents regarding content component: majority of the f o n o i t a r u d d n a , ) % 0 0 . 2 7 ( y t i c i l p m i s , ) % 0 0 . 8 6 ( y t i r a l c , ) % 0 0 . 8 7 ( e c n a v e l e r , ) % 0 0 . 2 5 ( d e s a b d e e n t i d n u o f t n e d n o p s e rt he video (74.00%) highly satisfactory. Half of the respondent (50.00%) found the occasional significance of video satisfactory and utility of information highly satisfactory. Respondents unanimously perceived the utility of participatory video in the direction of development communication to increase people’s participation and as a platform for enhancing dialogue and also to highlight the problems of the village.