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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important and vital component of our everyday diet. Yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) is a serious pest causing up to 10-60% of yield loss. Therefore, the current study entitled “Management of yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) infesting rice” has been undertaken in order to formulate an effective pest management strategy as an integral part of ICM of rice. Field experiments were conducted during Kharif season of the year 2018 to generate information pertaining to the effective management of yellow stem borer in rice. Among the various weather factors, maximum and minimum atmospheric temperature during the cropping season were found to be having a significant positive correlation with YSB’s activity in terms of both incidence of dead heart and incidence of white ear due to the attack of the pest. Twenty seven rice genotypes were screened for their resistance against YSB among which the highest grain yield of 43 q/ha was recorded in the rice genotype Shobini, even though, it received comparatively higher level of pest attack and it was at par with CR Dhan 701 (41.50 q/ha) in terms of grain yield. So, these two rice genotypes (Shobini and CR Dhan 701) may be rated as tolerant to YSB. TN-1, the susceptible variety succumbed to the highest pest attack with the lowest grain yield of 26.3 q/ha. Findings of the bio-efficacy evaluation trial of certain newer chemical insecticides against YSB showed that the ready-mix combination product of flubendiamide 240 SC + thiacloprid 240 SC @ 250 ml/ha recorded the lowest incidence of dead heart and white ear (2.07% DH and 2.30%WE, respectively). The highest grain yield to the tune of 45.00 q/ha was recorded in the insecticide flubendiamide 480 SC @ 50 ml/ha which was at par with the treatment involving the combination product of flubendiamide 240 SC + thiacloprid 240 SC @ 250 ml/ha (43.4 q/ha). The treatment consisting of foliar sprays with flubendiamide 480 SC @ 50 ml/ha proved to be the most cost-effective, with the highest net profit of Rs.19,760/ha along with the highest benefit cost ratio of 5.81:1 owing to the highest suppression of the incidence of YSB throughout the cropping season. The findings of the experiment for testing the bio efficacy of alternate application of the botanical and chemical insecticides indicated that the treatment involving the chemical insecticide flubendiamide 480 SC (@50 ml/ha) proved to be the most effective treatment against both dead heart and white ear caused by yellow stem borer, since it recorded the lowest dead heart (1.99%DH) and white ear (2.08%WE) values. The highest grain yield was recorded in the foliar application of flubendiamide 480 SC @ 50 ml/ha (43.6 q/ha) which was at par with the foliar spray involving flubendiamide 480 SC (@50 ml/ha) alternated with Nimbicidine 0.03% Aza. (42.7 q/ha) at 30DAT, 50 DAT and 85 DAT. It was also revealed that the foliar sprays with chemical insecticide flubendiamide 480 SC @ 50 ml/ha realised the highest net profit of Rs.16,423/ha with the highest B:C ratio of 5.67:1. In conclusion, utilizing resistant rice genotypes along with need based application of newer molecules of chemical insecticides alternated with botanical insecticides could be highly effective tool for the management of the yellow stem borer in rice, which is feasible for incorporation into the existing integrated pest management practices, resulting in appreciably higher yield of grains and increased net monetary returns.