An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Regional Rural Bank On Development Of Farm Economy In Ranchi District

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
The different aspects of the farm economy on beneficiary and non-beneficiary farms were examined in the preceding chapters and they provided with the requisite answers to the already questioned in the beginning. The main conclusion from this study can be drawn as follows:- a) The area under irrigation is more on beneficiary farms in comparison to non –beneficiary farms. It was mainly due to the loan advanced for the purchase of pump set for irrigation purposes. b) On overall farm situation, Tanr(upland) covers more area of land followed by Don (low land) and chawrn (medium land) on beneficiary farms where as on non–beneficiary farms, Don covers more area followed by Tanr and Chawra. c) The Investment on fixed assets used on farms seen appreciably higher on beneficiary farms which indicates that an advanced by Regional Rural Bank helps in increasing the total investment on fixed assets. d) Paddy seems to be the most important crop of the area of the area for both the beneficiary and non beneficiary groups. e) Area under almost all crops was seen to have increased on beneficiary farms as compared to non –beneficiary farms. f) Due to higher proportion of area under irrigation and availability of diesel pump sets made a available through loans for such purposes, there is higher proportionate increases in area on beneficiary farms in case of vegetable crops followed by potato and wheat. g) The intensity of cropping is found to be more significantly on beneficiary farms as compared to non beneficially farms due to increases irrigation facility by advancement of loan. h) Both the human and bullock labour utilization are significantly higher on beneficiary group as compared to non beneficiary group of small farms as well ass overall farms situation. This results due to higher intensity of cropping and introduction of labour insensitive crops like potato, wheat and vegetable in the cropping pattern on these farms. The non significant figure observed for marginal farms indicates a neutral impact of RRB loans on human and bullock labour utilization on these farms. i) The most important conclusion coming out from this study is that the impact of RRB loan significantly increased the various measures of income viz., gross income, net income family labour income and farm business income on small farms as well as overall farms. The increment however, not significant on marginal farms which indicate a neutral impact of RRB loans on income to these farms. This shows that the small farms better managed than the marginal farms. j) As a result of increase net income, the return per labour day is distinctly higher on beneficiary farms as compared to non- beneficiary farms. k) On the basis of number of beneficiary and amount of the advancement the institution seems to be inclined more towards the marginable farmers as compared to small farmers. l) The repayment performance of the sample beneficiaries as well as total beneficiaries of the branch was seen to be extremely poor irrespective of the size of the farmers but small farmers performed marginally better than the marginal farmers. m) Misguidance by the concerned officials was reported by sample farmers to be the main reason for non–repayment of loan. Other next most important reason was reported low crop yield, followed by domestic expenditure, deliberate defaults, low non-farm income and lack of desire for getting future loans for non –repayment of loans. Lack of persuasion by the bank officials, poor maintenance of farm assets and inadequate marketing facilities were also held responsible by farmers for non-repayment of loan.