Production and export scenario of major fruits in India vis-à-vis Afghanistan

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Fruits play a significant role in creating jobs, boosting the economy and emerging as the highest foreign exchange revenue products among agricultural products in recent years for both India and Afghanistan. Hence, the present study "Production and export scenario of major fruits in India vis-à-vis Afghanistan" was carried out with the objectives: i) to analyse the trends of area, production, productivity and export of major fruits in both countries; ii) to study the export potential of major fruits in both countries; and iii) to determine instability in export of major fruits in both countries during the study period (1985-86 to 2019-20). Exponential growth function, Balassa Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), coefficient of variation (CV) and Cuddy-Della Valle instability index were employed for analysing the data. The growth rates of area, production, export quantity and export value of all selected fruits from both India and Afghanistan were positive and favourable during the study period, with the exception of non-significant growth for the export quantity of Indian mango and non-significant growth for the export of both quantity and value of Afghanistan’s peaches and pears. While the growth of productivity for all selected fruits from both countries was non-significant and almost stagnant, with the exception of favourable growth for productivity of pomegranates and bananas in India and grapes in Afghanistan. High comparative advantage and market position in exporting mangos and moderately comparative advantage was observed for both pomegranates and grapes of India, while in Afghanistan high comparative advantage reported for export of apricots, grapes and apples to international markets. Instability in exports of both quantity and value of all selected fruits from both counties were high. As compared between export quantity and value, fluctuation in export value was higher than export quantity; similarly, Afghanistan’s selected fruits experienced higher variation than Indian selected fruits during the period of study.