Analysis of Morphometric Characteristics and Land use/Land cover Dynamics of Indravati Catchment Using Geospatial Technique

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The present research work was conducted in the Indravati catchment which is an integral part of Godavari basin. ArcGIS software and Google Earth Engine, a cloud-based platform, were primarily used to determine the morphometric parameters and assess the dynamics of land use and cover change. The study area was first delineated using ArcSWAT tool with SRTM DEM (1-Arc-Global with 30 m resolution) in ArcGIS followed by computation of areal, relief and linear aspects along with all sub-catchments. Three sets of time periods, 2011, 2016, and 2021, were examined using LANDSAT pictures to assess the classification of land use and land cover with changing dynamics. Total six classes- waterbodies, forested areas, agricultural land, built-up areas, barrenland, and rangeland were used in the LULC classification scheme. The supervised classification scheme, Random Forest algorithm was used by the Google Earth Engine to analyse this LULC categorization. Assessment of LULC dynamics were determined by Quantum-GIS using semi-automatic classification plugin. Watershed delineation was accomplished using ArcSWAT, in which maximum and minimum elevation were found as 1361 m and 78 m with total area 40533.24 sq. km. The morphometric parameters were determined for the Indravati catchment and its nine sub-catchments such as drainage related aspects like stream order, drainage density, stream frequency, form factor, circulatory ratio etc were computed. This research showed that the 7th order was the trunk order stream, with 10810 total streams, of which the first four orders contributed 98.77 percent of the streams with a mean bifurcation ratio of 11.792 for the Indravati catchment. For sub-catchments, these parameters were also calculated. The overall accuracy and Kappa statistic for LULC classification were found to be 76.43 % and 70.38 %, 77.05 % % 71.05 % and 83.78 % and 80.16 % for year 2011, 2016 and 2021 respectively. The LULC change dynamics were observed between the years of 2011 and 2021, and it was found that, as a result of industrialization and population growth, the area extent of waterbodies, agricultural land, and rangeland decreased by -35.43 percent, -7.63 percent, and -1.32 percent, respectively, while settlement and barrenland increased by 39.34 and 55.92 percent. Since, there are tropical dense forests in this study area that become more extensive without human intervention, there has been an 8.40 percent (631.959 km2), increase in the area covered by forests. For the time periods 2011-2016, 2016-2021, and 2011-2021, it was observed that the total area of 25788.07 km2, 26844.78 km2, and 26471.19 km2 remained unchanged, whereas the areas of 14054.62 km2, 14737.74 km2, and 13681.78 km2 got considerable changes.