A Study on Digital Empowerment of Digital Natives

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Department of Extension education Institute of Agricultural Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
Digital empowerment of digital natives (generation born in or after 1980) is a key determinant of their competitive power in the business market, their economic status and general standard of living. It can only be brought through responsible educational institutions that aid individuals in acquisition of information literacy skills as one of the duties bestowed on these institutions is to train individuals in accordance with the changing needs of the society. To ensure that the individuals are digitally empowered, there is a need to know the digital empowerment status of the individuals by developing a tool. Hence, the present study was carried out specific objectives in Institute of Agricultural Sciences; Banaras Hindu University in the academic year 2015-2016 with one hundred seventy respondents of the B.sc (Ag.), M.sc (Ag.) and Ph.D (Ag.) selected on the basis of probability proportion to size (PPS). A scale on digital empowerment consisted of thirty eight items under the sub category namely psychological (5items), legal (3items), economical (8items) and technical competency (22 items) has been developed based on summated rating (Likert technique). Detailed analysis of the profile of respondents revealed that majority of the respondents belonged to 21-25 year age group from graduation and had their schooling from urban background in English medium from public school. Parents of majority of the respondents were educated up to graduation with family income of above Rs. 40,000 per month, having rural family background, small land holding, pucca house, and belonged to small and nuclear family. Majority of respondents were having medium level of communication as well as aspiration and average level of achievement motivation. Majority of respondents were having medium level of digital empowerment and both male and female showed equal level of digital empowerment without any gender based difference.
Digital empowerment