Smart agricultural practices: Problems and prospects

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The study was conducted in Haryana state. Two districts viz. Hisar from South-West Zone and Kaithal from North-East Zone were selected, purposively. Further, three villages from each district were selected, randomly. Further, thirty farmers were selected, randomly from each selected village. Thus, a total number of 180 respondents were interviewed for the present study. Majority of respondents (78.34%) belonged to productive age group and acquired education (88.33%) up to post graduate. Majority of the farmers had land holding up to 5 acres with had livestock along with ricewheat (70%) cropping system and 46.11 per cent farmers used tractor as farm power. Majority of the respondents had low to medium level of mass media exposure and extension contact. While, economic motivation of the maximum number of farmers was middle to high, whereas, majority of the respondents (99.44%) had low to medium innovation proneness. It was observed that farmer’ were well aware about nearest soil and water testing laboratory, SHC helps to studies the soil health, good quality of seed increase yield, high yielding varieties (HYVs), zero tillage reduce the field preparatory, labor and fuel cost, timely irrigation enhance crop yield, INM increase the crop yield, excess pesticides use hazards, weed competes for light, water and nutrients etc., IFS helps to reduce the cost of production, SMS services provided by CCSHAU, Hisar, crop diversification helps to reduce risk of crop failures, harvested water can be used for irrigation and drinking, compost and vermin compost is alternative of chemical fertilizers, agro forestry provide healthy environment and extra income, ICTs services provide information accurately, frequently and timely, burning of crop residue degrade the environment, emarketing promote the cashless transaction, agro-processing helps to get good price, protected cultivation helps to provide off season products, crop insurance minimize the risk of crop failure, CSAP helps to increase productivity, and organic farming reduces input cost. Whereas, adoption level was high about conjunctive use of water, certified seed for crop production, seed cum fertilizer drill machine, integrated nutrient management (INM), recommended nozzle for spray, crop stable burning is abandoned, cropping system having high productivity, visit the kissan mela (Kharif and Rabi), store your produce for future sale, allow the animal to mate within 3 months after parturition, mineral mixture, protect the animals from harsh weather conditions, disinfect the udder before milking, and proper ventilated house for animals. However, lack of seeds of new high yielding varieties (HYVs), lack of knowledge for seed treatment, not familiar with improved practices, lack of farm equipments, inadequate information, knowledge and skills, scarcity of canal water, not aware about the procedure of registration for weather forecasting, conservation agriculture is more labor intensive, lack of minimum support price, wide fluctuation in prices, lack of training to access e-information, climate change effects the seasonal temperature and rainfall, slow results of eco- friendly practices, lack of climate related information, high initial cost of establishment of protected structure, all crops not covered under crop insurance, lack of proper training of agro-processing/value addition, and non-availability of good animal breed were major constraints in adoption of smart agricultural practices (SAPs).