Genotypic variation for starch, protein, seed yield and its attributes in pearl millet

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Characterization of 66 genotypes of pearl millet was carried out for grain starch per cent, grain protein per cent, grain yield per cent and other quantitative characters. High significant differences were observed among the 66 inbreds for all the 19 characters studied. High broad sense heritability (> 80 %) was recorded for grain starch, grain yield per plant, days to 50% flowering, dry fodder weight, days to maturity, starch recovery, ear length and main ear grain weight whereas moderate high heritability (> 70%) for main ear grain number, grain filling rate, ear girth, growth rate and plant height. Expected genetic advance expressed as percentage of mean was high for starch recovery, dry fodder weight, grain yield per plant, main ear grain weight, growth rate and main ear grain number. Grain yield per plant was significantly positively correlated with eight characters i.e. main ear grain weight, total ear weight, growth rate, dry fodder weight, plant height, effective tillers and ear length. Grain starch showed no significant correlation with any character. The grain protein and starch recovery were negatively correlated with grain yield per plant and positive association among them. Path coefficient analysis identified main ear grain weight per plant to be direct contributor to grain yield per plant having highest direct and indirect effects in influencing grain yield per plant via total ear weight, plant height, main ear grain number, growth rate, dry fodder weight, 500-grain weight, ear length, grain filling rate and days to 50% flowering. High alcohol yield was expected per unit of grain.