Varibility And Correlation Studies In Garlic (allium sativum L.)

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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi
Non- availability of suitable cultivars is the major bottle –neck in Garlic (Allium SativumL.) cultivation and improvement in the plateau region of Bihar. To find out the suitable genotype for this plateau region on the basis of yield performance , variability and correlation studies and keeping quality, the present experiment was designed in the vegetable Research section of the Department of Horticulture, B.A.U., Kanke, Ranchi during the Rabi season of 1992-93. Among the ten garlic genotype tested G-282 produce the highest yield (197.41 q/ha)and bulb diameter (12.32 cm) followed by G-41 (161.32q/ha), G-1 (160.70 q/ha),Chutia -1 (local) (153.85q/ha) , G-50 (140.35 q/ha), Pithoria -1 (local), (138.38), and Lcc-1 (135.37 q/ha). The lowest yield was observed in the genotype ARU -52 (96.88q/ha) . The genotype G-1, Munger-1, LCC-1 and G-50 were unsuitable for storing as more than 50% rotting takes place at room temperature. The genotype viz G-41, Sabour-1,Mungher-1,LCC-1 and g-50 were unsuitable for storing as more than 50% rotting takes place at room temperature. The genotype viz, G-41, sabour -1, Mungher-1, Lcc-1 and G-282 produced bulbils. A wide range of phenotypic variability was noticed for the character viz, bulb weight of plant , numbers of cloves per bulb. Th maximum value of coefficient of variation was in bulb weight (13.47) and the lowest was in clove weight (3.15). Higher phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation were observed for clove weight (55.84 and 53.93), clove per bulb (23.52 and 23.82) and bulb weight (17.89 and 22.40). The estimates of heritability (in broad sense ) was highest in clove weight (99.68%) followed by number of cloves per bulb (97.56%) and lowest for the character girth of bulb (31.66%) . The genetic advance was maximum for the character bulb weight with leaves (63.82), Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation indicated that phenotypic coefficient of variation were slightly higher than genotypic of coefficient of variation which were of comparable magnitude . Association analysis revealed that yield of garlic strongly correlates with the girth of bulb (0.772), ten bulb weight with leaf (0.993), ten bulb weight without leaf (0.997) , ten clove weight (0.807) and width of bulb (0.775). Considering yield performance , variability and association studies and keeping quality the genetypes viz, G-41 and local pithoria -1 may be recommended for cultivation in this plateau region. It is suggested that the genotypes G-282 can be cultivated in this Bihar Plateau.