Evaluation of cotton residue incorporation with conservation tillage and integrated nutrient management in Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
A field experiment entitled ‘‘Evaluation of cotton residue incorporation with conservation tillage and integrated nutrient management in Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)” was carried out at AICRP on Dryland Agriculture farm, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani during kharif 2020-21 and 2021-22. The soil of the experimental plot was clayey in texture, low in available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus and high in available potassium and slightly alkaline in reaction. In all, fifteen treatment combinations, consisting of three tillage practices (T1 - conventional tillage, T2 - reduced tillage and T3 - zero tillage) and five integrated nutrient management practices (N1 - 100% RDF (120:60:60 kg NPK ha-1), N2- 100% RDF + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1, N3 - 75% RDF + FYM 6 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1, N4 - 50% RDF + FYM 12 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 and N5 - Control) were evaluated in split plot design with three replications. The Bt cotton hybrid NHH-44 (BG-II) was sown by dibbling method at 120 cm x 45 cm spacing on 18.06.2020 and 16.06.2021 during kharif 2020-21 and 2021-22, respectively. The growth parameters were significantly influenced by tillage practices. The growth parameters like plant height (cm), number of functional leaves plant-1, leaf area plant-1, number of monopodial and sympodial branches and total dry matter accumulation plant-1 were significantly high under conventional tillage as compared to zero tillage and was found at par with reduced tillage. Similar trend were also recorded in case of yield attributing characters viz., number of picked bolls plant-1 and seed cotton yield plant-1. The conventional tillage resulted in significantly higher seed cotton yield, stalk yield and biological yield as compared to zero tillage; however, it was found at par with reduced tillage. Boll weight, fibre quality parameters and nutrient content were not significantly influenced by tillage practices while, nutrient uptake was significantly high under conventional tillage, which was found at par with reduced tillage. Soil organic carbon, soil nutrient status and microbial population in the soil were significantly high under zero tillage. The physical properties viz., Bulk density, infiltration rate and moisture content were improved under conventional tillage. Adoption of convention tillage gave higher gross monetary returns as well as net monetary returns, however, higher benefit : cost ratio was recorded under reduced tillage. The growth parameters were significantly influenced by integrated nutrient management practices. The growth parameters like plant height (cm), number of functional leaves plant-1, leaf area plant-1, number of monopodial and sympodial branches and total dry matter accumulation plant-1 were significantly high in the treatment which received 100% RDF + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 and was found at par with 75% RDF + FYM 6 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 and 100% RDF (120:60:60 kg NPK ha-1) during both the years of experimentation. Similar trend was also recorded in case of yield attributing characters viz., number of picked bolls plant-1 and seed cotton yield plant-1. The application of 100% RDF + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 also resulted in significantly higher seed cotton yield, stalk yield and biological yield, which was found at par with 75% RDF + FYM 6 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 and 100% RDF (120:60:60 kg NPK ha-1). Boll weight and fibre quality parameters were not significantly influenced by integrated nutrient management practices. The primary nutrients content (NPK) were significantly higher under 100% RDF + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 while, higher micronutrients content (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu) were recorded under 50% RDF + FYM 12 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1. The nutrient uptake was significantly high under 100% RDF + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1, which was found at par with 75% RDF + FYM 6 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 and 100% RDF (120:60:60 kg NPK ha-1). The soil organic carbon, soil nutrients status and microbial population in soil were significantly high under 50% RDF + FYM 12 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1. The physical properties viz., Bulk density, infiltration rate and moisture content were also improved under 50% RDF + FYM 12 t ha-1 + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1. Application of 100% RDF + cotton residue @ 3 t ha-1 + DM @ 12 kg ha-1 resulted higher gross monetary returns as well as net monetary returns, however, higher benefit : cost ratio was recorded under 100% RDF (120:60:60 kg NPK ha-1).