dc.contributor.advisorSingh, Dr. S. K.
dc.contributor.authorMOHEKAR, DEEPAK SHANKARRAO.
dc.descriptionThe present investigation was carried out in Goa state during the period 2018-2020 for the Development of land use options for Goa state using large scale land resource inventory. The information generated during the study can be replicated in the different areas representing similar climate, geology, physiography and soils. Similarly this information can be utilized to prepare suitable interventions and land use options to improve the productivity of the land and suggest suitable soil and water conservation measures for better management of land resources.en_US
dc.description.abstractSustainable land use options consisting of crops and cropping sequence in the arable land and fruits and wood trees together with grasses on the non-arable land and is multi-dimensional. It has the potential to address prime land for various purpose along with the issues like land degradation and climate change. Its efficacy further enhanced if it is anchored on Land Resource database developed following a protocols of 1:10000 scale mapping. Such sustainable land use options are very important for the state of Goa which is the epicentre of climate change having coasts in the western and southern side, undulating uplands in the central region, eco-sensitive marshy land on the both sides of the rivers. Therefore, Land Resource Inventory (LRI) of Goa is taken up for development of land use options. LRI involves high resolution remote sensing data (IRS LISS IV P6 of 5.8 meter resolution) and digital terrain model (Cartosat 1 of 10 meter resolution) for delineating landforms, slope and land uses with Geospatial techniques. A landscape ecological unit (LEU) used as the base map of LRI. In Goa state total 75 landscape ecological units were delineated, two LEUs in Basalt, three in granites, thirty in quartzite-schistose, twenty two in laterites and eighteen to fluvio-littoral marine landscapes. Extensive soil survey was carried out by using LEU map as base map and studied minipits, auger and profile. Thirty three typifying pedons were studied in 75 LEUs. Soil survey data was correlated and identified thirty three soil series. Soil-LEU relationship was established. Results reveals that soil development and the extent and severity of sea water inundation in the Konkan coast and variations in soil organic carbon were also the functions of landscape ecological variables. Dithionite extractable iron oxides to clay ratio was an expression of landscape ecological variables explained the variations in soil colour from hills to the coast. Further the extent of leaching of bases, eluviation and illuviation on the hill ranges, salinization and extensive deposition of sulphidic material in the coast were found to the function of landscape ecological variables. In the situation of high rainfall and temperature on the hills and submergence in the coasts, the soils on the basaltic landscape did not exhibit the characteristics dark grey colour, cracks and slickensides. Potential and actual acid sulphate soils were characterized and mapped using marine landscape ecological variables. The study concludes landscape ecological variables delineated by using high resolution remote sensing data and DTM conceals all the points needed to explain the existing variability in soils. Existing Soil classification (Harindranath et al., 1999) was refined. Typic Haplustepts were refined to Dystric Haplustepts on account of base saturation less than 60 per cent in some parts of the soil profiles. Typic Haplustalfs and Typic Haplustults were redefined as Kanhaplic Haplustalfs and Kanhaplic Haplustults sub-groups based on CEC of clay less than 24 cmol(p+) kg-1. Salinity and sulphuric horizons were established and accommodated in Typic Halaquepts and Sulfic Endoaquepts. Thus the soils of the state were classified into four soil orders, six sub-orders, seven great groups, nine sub-groups, twenty one soil family and 74 phases of thirty three soil series. Depending upon the management needs, soils have been grouped into 26 land management units (LMUs); and were evaluated into four land capability classes, four irrigability classes, four productivity potential classes and soil-site suitability. LMUs on hills were marginally to moderately suitable for cashew and coconut are found not suitable for rice cultivation. In contrast LMUs on the coasts were suitable for rice and not suitable for plantations. The study further concludes that cashew based agri-business model on the hills and rice based agri-business model in the Konkan coasts are the sustainable options. The study further suggested mangrove plantations and vegetating dunes on the beaches for the safety of marine environment. LMU wise, the cost of soil and water conservation programme is estimated. Agro-ecological zones (AEZ) and Agro-ecological sub-zones (AESZ) were developed using LRI database within agro-ecological region and sub-region. The research study reveals that by adopting the suggested agri-business model, rainfed Goa is expected to be water surplus. Thus study concludes the multi-dimensionality of sustainable land use options using LRI database.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMOHEKAR, DEEPAK SHANKARRAO. (2020). Development of land use options for Goa State using large scale land resource inventory. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. Ph. D. 2020. Print. x, 224p. (Unpublished).en_US
dc.keywordsLand use options, Land resource inventory, High resolution remote sensing data, Land ecological unit, Land management unit, Land evaluation, Soil classification, Agro-ecological zones and sub-zones, Agri-business model, Soil & Water conservation measures.en_US
dc.pagesx, 224pen_US
dc.publisherDr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra.en_US
dc.research.problemIn the present study the researcher has tried to develop land resource inventory of Goa state using satellite data, collateral data and field data and to delineate Land Management Units (LMUs) of Goa state using Land resource inventory data on 1:10000 scale. The researcher has also tried to evaluate the suitability of LMUs for different crops and cropping pattern and develop agricultural land use options.en_US
dc.subLand Resources Managementen_US
dc.themeThe soil information on small scale is not enough to develop to holistic land use plan. Hence the study on large scale has been undertaken. The present research deals with the development of land use options for using large scale land resource inventory.en_US
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The present investigation was carried out in Goa state during the period 2018-2020 for the Development of land use options for Goa state using large scale land resource inventory. The information generated during the study can be replicated in the different areas representing similar climate, geology, physiography and soils. Similarly this information can be utilized to prepare suitable interventions and land use options to improve the productivity of the land and suggest suitable soil and water conservation measures for better management of land resources.
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