Diversity of betasatellites associated with legumovirus(es) and their role in disease severity of yellow mosaic disease in mungbean

dc.contributor.advisorSirari, Asmita
dc.contributor.authorPatil Amit Shantaram
dc.description.abstractA set of 69 Yellow Mosaic Disease (YMD) infected samples of different cultivars of mungbean and urdbean were investigated from different locations. Out of 69 samples, 45 showed mixed infection of Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) and Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV). However, YMD infected samples showing leaf curling, puckering, total yellowing and leaf crumpling symptoms showed presence of betasatellites in 8 samples whereas presence of alphasatellites was shown in 5 samples. Furthermore, 10 whitefly samples were collected from mungbean and urdbean ecosystem for assessing presence of legumovirus-satellite complex. All whitefly samples showed presence of MYMV, MYMIV, betasatellites and alphasatellites. Eighteen off season monocot and dicot weed species were assessed for presence of Legumoviruses-satellite complex, out of which 17 weeds showed presence of MYMV only. After characterization of these detected strains, it was observed that Digera arvensis yellow vein betasatellite associated with MYMV and MYMIV was infecting mungbean. Furthermore, Radish leaf curl betasatellite, Potato apical leaf curl disease associated betasatellite, Digera arvensis yellow vein betasatellite and Tobacco leaf curl betasatellite along with Ageratum yellow vein India alphasatellite and Ageratum enation alphasatellite were found to be infecting urdbean. The diverse helper begomoviruses were observed in mungbean and urdbean namely MYMV, MYMIV, Radish leaf curl virus and Senna leaf curl virus. The whitefly vector collected from mungbean and urdbean ecosystem was found to acquire Rhynchosia yellow mosaic betasatellite, Papaya leaf curl betasatellite and radish leaf curl betasatellite along with Cajanus leaf curl Delhi alphasatellite, papaya leaf curl Vikaspuri alphasatellite, Ageratum yellow vein India alphasatellite and Mesta yellow vein mosaic alphasatellite. Further, 33 elite lines of mungbean were screened against Legumoviruses-betasatellite complex. Three interspecific derivative lines of mungbean viz; SML2070, SML2071 and SML2063 were identified as highly resistant donors.
dc.identifier.citationPatil Amit Shantaram (2023). Diversity of betasatellites associated with legumovirus(es) and their role in disease severity of yellow mosaic disease in mungbean (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
dc.publisherPunjab Agricultural University
dc.research.problemDiversity of betasatellites associated with legumovirus(es) and their role in disease severity of yellow mosaic disease in mungbean
dc.subPlant Pathology
dc.themeDiversity of betasatellites associated with legumovirus(es) and their role in disease severity of yellow mosaic disease in mungbean
dc.titleDiversity of betasatellites associated with legumovirus(es) and their role in disease severity of yellow mosaic disease in mungbean