Evaluation of urine as an alternative fertilizer source for crop production in North East India

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College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, CAU-Imphal, Umiam
A two years research experiment was conducted during 2014-15 and 2015-16 at upland Agronomy Farm of the ICAR research complex for NEH region, Barapani, Meghalaya. The experiment was undertaken to evaluate the effect of urine application as the alternative source of fertilizers in maize-toria cropping system on its yield, crop quality, fertility of soil after harvest of the crops and cropping system efficiency. Chemical fertilizer (T2), human and cow urine applied once (T3 and T4) were significantly highest in crop growth among the treatments in early stage of maize but in middle stage, human and cow urine either in split application or in combination with urea (T6, T7, T8 and T9) were far better than chemical (T2), human and cow urine applied once as basal (T3 and T4) and FYM (T5), but at later stage or at harvest, either human and cow urine in combination with urea (T8 and T9) produce better growth of maize. Grain yield of the maize were significantly highest in human urine in combination with urea (T8). But in 2nd season crop (toria), FYM (T5) produced significantly highest growth, yield attributes and yield of toria than other treatments. Primary elements (viz. nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) contents in maize grain were highest either in human and cow urine in combination with urea (T8 and T9). However, the secondary elements viz. sulphur, calcium, magnesium were utmost in human urine in split application (T6). Among the micro nutrients, Zn content was statistically similar to all the treatments but significantly higher than chemical (T2), cow urine in combination with urea (T9) and control (T1), but the Fe content was highest in chemical (T2) treated plots of maize. In toria seed, the primary nutrient content was highest in FYM (T5) treated plots except nitrogen, where all the treated plots produced similar nitrogen content. Pooled analysis of secondary nutrient content in toria seed showed that human urine in split application (T6) was higher among the treatments. Among the micro- nutrients, zinc content was highest in human urine applied in split application (T6) but the iron content was lesser in treated plots than the control (T1). Increase in pH and EC in human urine in split application (T6) were observed, however, FYM (T5) produced higher OC content in soil after harvesting of maize. Among the soil primary nutrient elements, the highest N and P was observed from T (FYM), however, it was at par with human urine in combination with urea (T8) in case of P and the highest K was recorded from human urine in combination with urea (T8). The highest sulphur content in soil was found in FYM (T5) but Ca and Mg content were more in human urine in split application (T6). Among micro-nutrients, the highest Zn content was found under human urine in split application (T6) but chemical (T2) produced highest iron content in soil. The highest soil microbial activities vis. SMBC, SMBN and SMBP were highestunder human urine in split application (T6), similarly, the dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzyme activities were highest in human urine in split application (T6) but almost all the treated plots produce statistically similar dehydrogenase enzyme activities. However, urease enzyme activities were dominant in T8 than other treatments. In soil after harvesting of toria, the pH and EC were highest in human urine in split application (T6) but FYM (T5) recorded the highest OC content in soil. Among the essential macro nutrients, N, P and S were highest in FYM (T5) but K, Ca and Mg were highest in human urine in combination with urea (T8) and human urine in split application (T6), respectively. Similarly, Zn content in FYM (T5) recorded the highest, however, cow urine applied once (T4) proved the highest content of Fe in soil after harvest of toria. Soil microbial activities and enzyme activities were highest in FYM (T5) but the enzyme dehydrogenase was higher in human urine in split application (T6). The maize-toria cropping system efficiency was significantly highest under human urine in combination with urea (T8).