Development and performance evaluation of a pine needle powder fired cookstove for hilly regions of Uttarakhand

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
Anything is waste as long as it is utilized. Every year chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) forests in Uttarakhand produces total two millions tonnes of pine needles which is locally called as “Pirul”. These pine needles are highly flammable because of high volatile matter. During summer these pine needles are burned sometime by villagers to clear the floor to allow the growth of green grass for animals and sometimes accidentally these needles catch fire and destroy the forest and releases large amount of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. Every year millions of tons of pine needles get burned and turn to ash, cause loss to environment and stop regeneration. Despite being very useful its potential is still untapped among rural people. Still in many villages, most of the energy demand of rural people are being fulfilled by burning the wood in very inefficient way. This is very harmful to the environment and villager’s health. By use of efficient biomass cook-stove the energy demand of the rural people can be fulfilled. Purpose of this research work is to harness the freely available biomass (pine needles). This work concerned with development of powdered fuel stove with improved efficiency and minimal emissions. The design of cookstove originates from a conventional sawdust stove. Water boiling test has been performed for evaluating the thermal efficiency of cookstove and a hood method were used to emission measurement. The thermal efficiency of stove when fired with pine needle powder and sawdust was 25.8 % and 24.4 % respectively. The maximum firepower of the stove with pine needle powder and & sawdust was 2.24 kW, 2.04 kW respectively. The average CO, emission with pine needle powder & sawdust were found 100, 282 PPM respectively. The average HC, emission with pine needle powder & sawdust were found 210, 332 PPM respectively.