Carbon sequestration and effect of organic manures on yield and biomass production of medicinal and aromatic plants under kinnow based agroforestry system

dc.contributor.advisorPant, K.S.
dc.contributor.authorYewale, Aalok Gulabrao
dc.description.abstractThe present investigations entitled “Carbon sequestration and effect of organic manures on yield and biomass production of medicinal and aromatic plants under kinnow based agroforestry system” was conducted at the experimental field of Regional Horticultural Research Station, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Dhaulakuan, Sirmour (H.P.) during 2012 and 2013. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. The study aimed at exploring the possibilities of successful cultivation of medicinal plants as intercrop under kinnow along with the different doses of organic manures used. The experiment comprised of 14treatments, which included three different doses of Vermicompost (2t/ha, 4t/ha, 6t/ha) and three different doses of FYM (15t/ha, 20t/ ha, 25t/ha) in combination with and without kinnow. The results revealed that MAPs can be grown successfully under agroforestry system. The use of Vermicompost and FYM at appropriate doses was found beneficial for minimizing competition for critical resources. Vermicompost @ 6t/ha was the most effective dose of organic manure, followed by FYM @ 25t/ha. It was observed that Ocimum sanctum, Andrographis paniculata and Withania somnifera could successfully be cultivated as intercrop under kinnow without any adverse impact on the performance and production ability of these MAPs. The use of organic manures further improves the production ability of intercrop by minimizing competition for critical resources. Performance of Ocimum sanctum, Andrographis paniculata and Withania somnifera were better under kinnow than control. The results revealed that intercropping of MAPs with kinnow also improved fruit yield as management practices and use of organic manures also benefited the tree growth under agroforestry system. Soil physical and chemical properties were found to be better in intercropping as compared to control (treeless area). The availability of nutrients like N, P, K, Ca and Mg were high where, higher doses of organic manures were applied in agroforestry system as well as in sole crop system. Soil pH and organic carbon were also improved in agroforestry system than sole crop system. In present study the biomass production was observed under kinnow based agroforestry system where, Ocimum sanctum was intercropped followed by kinnow + Andrographis paniculata and kinnow + Withanina somnifera. The carbon sequestration of kinnow based agroforestry system was recorded maximum than sole crop system. The bioeconomic appraisal of kinnow based agroforestry system has exhibited better benefit cost ratio as compared to sole crop system. Among three MAPs, Ocimum sanctum provides better returns in comparison to Andrographis paniculata and Withania somnifera. The findings of present study suggested that cultivation of these medicinal and aromatic plants in combination with fruit trees, especially kinnow may be recommended for better economic return from the agroforestry systems. Application of organic manures had significantly increased yield and growth performance of medicinal herbs intercropped under kinnow. Soil physico-chemical properties like soil organic carbon and nutrients availability were found to be improved under agroforestry system than sole crop system. It also suggested that the agroforestry system have higher potential of producing biomass (woody and non-woody) and have higher carbon sequestration potential than monocropping system.en_US
dc.subjectorganic fertilizers, vermicomposting, planting, farmyard manure, farming systems, crops, intercropping, carbon, yields, agroforestry systemsen_US
dc.titleCarbon sequestration and effect of organic manures on yield and biomass production of medicinal and aromatic plants under kinnow based agroforestry systemen_US
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Carbon sequestration and effect of organic manures on yield and biomass production of medicinal and aromatic plants under kinnow based agroforestry system
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